Hi All,

I am trying to create a function which deletes user created nodes when I delete a given user. I have a function which I call in hook_user(), but it doesn't seem to work. Every time I delete a user, the nodes they created remain; furthermore, the uid of these nodes are all set to 0. Assuming there is nothing wrong with my function, I am guessing that the uids of these nodes is being changed to 0, before my function has time to run.

Is there a way to preprocess nodes of a given uid before the user is deleted?



function namecards_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'insert': 
      // Only create settings for user with permission to use namecards module.
      if (user_access('access namecards', $account)) {
        drupal_set_message('Namecard user ' . $account->uid . ' settings added');    
    case 'delete':
      // TODO: Check if user has contacts in system and process these contacts before deleting user. 
      drupal_set_message('UID: ' . $account->uid);
      $delete_users_contacts = variable_get('namecards_delete_user_contacts_options', 0); 
      _namecards_delete_users_contacts($account->uid, $delete_users_contacts);
      // Remove namecard settings for a deleted user.
    case 'login':
    case 'logout':
      if (isset($_SESSION['namecards_user_namecard_settings'])) {

function _namecards_delete_users_contacts($uid, $option = 0) {
  switch ($option) {
    case 0:
      $sql = '
               {node} n
               n.type = "namecard_namecard"
               n.uid = %d
    case 1:
      $sql = '
               {node} n
             LEFT JOIN
               {content_type_namecard_namecard} ctnn ON n.nid = ctnn.nid
               n.type = "namecard_namecard"
               n.uid = %d
               ctnn.field_public_value = 0 
  $result_set = db_query($sql, $uid);
  while ($result = db_fetch_object($result_set)) {


Begun’s picture

Any ideas anyone?

Jaypan’s picture

At a first glance, your function looks fine, and I think your hypothesis about the node ids being set to zero is probably correct. I suggest trying one of the following two things.
1) Delete the nodes in hook_user() when $op equals validate. You will have to check that the clicked button was the delete button. This will probably work, however it's a little hacky, as you should really only be validating things in the validate function, and could cause problems if the deletion of the user fails after this.
2) Attach a custom submit function to the delete button in hook_form_alter(). This function should be run before the regular form submit function is run (I believe). This method is a better more proper way to do it, but will take a little more coding.

Begun’s picture

I decided to go with the second suggestion. For the benefit of others this is what I did:

Add an additional submit function to form 'user_multiple_delete_confirm' using hook_form_alter(). This is the ID of the form responsible for deleting one or more users.

function namecards_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'user_multiple_delete_confirm') {
    $form['#submit'][] = '_namecards_process_user_created_nodes_on_user_delete';
hargobind’s picture

I've made a comment about this behavior in the API page for hook_user(). That comment also includes a workaround using hook_form_alter() which was built using your example, but also includes the user_confirm_delete form when a user is deleted from the Edit Account page.