I'm using the latest versions of panels, ctools, APK, and some other modules to create a profile/user page. recently I noticed after caching that everything on the page except for the panels load. So the header, menus, and even the profile menu shows up but not the actual panels.

I'm at wits end. I've tried every fix on every discussion thread on this site and my panels are still not showing up and if they do (which seems like they randomly show up after days of not) they disappear again when cacheing. I tried every patch, module update, and change prescribed throughout drupal dot org with no success. Has anyone come up with a fix for this that I don't know about? My panels are operating in legacy mode though and if switching that off would fix it, how do I do that? I found this http://drupal.org/node/865840 and tried that fix but it didn't seem to work either.

screen shot: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/8489/missingpanels.jpg

I looked at:
http://drupal.org/node/1172138 (although my issue is the opposite - flushing cache breaks it)
http://drupal.org/node/1203390 ( although in comment #1 you'll see my issue for this but otherwise i tried it)

and some others with no luck.

I just went to my user page, the page where I use panels (apk), and the panels showed up as they seem to randomly do. Then I left the page and came back not 30 seconds later ,WITHOUT caching, and the page is gone again! I bring this up since I always assumed the panels disappeared due to my caching. This time it disappeared with no apparent reason. Any clues?


yosisays’s picture

anyone have any ideas what might be a solution to this?

in case it makes a difference I'm using Drupal 6.25 (although I had the problem with the last few versions as well) and I upgraded my modules to the latest and greatest:
panels: 6.x-3.10
Skinr:6.x-1.x-dev (2011-Feb-25)
Chaos tool suite (ctools) 6.x-1.8+46-dev (2012-Jan-21)

I'm also using the Acquia Prosper theme (latest version)

I'm happy to furnish any other information you may need.

RobinMofo’s picture

A few questions:

  1. What panel layouts do you use? Flexible? default provided in module? custom?
  2. Do you have PHP display_errors on and have set Drupal to print errors to screen?
  3. Is it only the user panel (using APK) that comes up blank? Do you have other panel pages?
  4. Do you utilize any custom styles from the stylizer or SkinR module on the problematic panel? export your panel and try disabling them
  5. Do you have any permissions that may affect the content being viewed?

You can set panels to non legacy mode by adding this to the theme info:
api[panels][styles][version] = 2

But it never made a difference to me either!

It does look like it's just your panel layout that isn't rendering - you can either check that the cache key for "ctools layout" exists (and has content in it) or an easier way would be to enable debug_backtrace in Devel and see if it throws an error somewhere?

Lastly, I would suggest preprocessing panels from the theme (or custom module) and debugging from there.

When I get this sort of "WSOD" (i.e. partial) it is usually due to a PHP error or missing layout/style plugin, etc.

yosisays’s picture

to answer your questions:
1) its using flexible which I think is the modules default
2) if your talking about the setting at admin/settings/error-reporting i have it set to write errors to log and to screen, I dont get any errors to screen, but if I look in the log I do see the following in admin/reports quite a bit:

Type theme_watcher
Date Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 14:23
User yosisays
Location http://mysite.com/user/1
Referrer http://mysite.com/user/1
Message Called _system_theme_data() - theme information being rebuilt from files.
Severity notice
Hostname 24.148.**.***

3)I tested this by creating another panels page and found it to have the same issue so its not exclusive to APK panels page
4)The above test proves that the skinr module is not the culprit otherwise it would have worked in the un-stylized panels. So while I do have skinr, i'm not sure its the cause of the issue , however I wouldn't rule it out since it does appear to be putting my panels into legacy mode. then again i don't know why this would affect the page showing up or not considering im not using panels in place editor anyways.
5)I have not changes any permissions and it was working ok before.

Thanks for your interest in helping me

RobinMofo’s picture

That error is similar to what greg.harvey was talking about (http://drupal.org/node/979912#comment-4015666)

He raised an issue here: http://drupal.org/node/1058198

I agree that skinr is not to blame, do you have the latest panels update?
Also, I think flexible is generated on the fly - hopefully you have some caching in place? (memcache is great)

Check your DB load at these outages, I would expect it to be high and thus causing your issues (your theme building errors seem to support this).

yosisays’s picture

This is not a high traffic site yet. Its' a site that's only in the development stages still.

My host (bluehost) does not support memcache.

By saying that its "disabling the themes" does that mean for this page load only or site wide. Nevertheless, not only is my issue page specific, particularly the profile page which is a panels page (using apk,etc) and not an issue on other pages but it's only the panes themselves that don't show up. The rest of the page with the nav. menu and site logo etc. shows up ok and is themed. For the rest of the site the theme seems to work as well. Although I have been having issues with the front page not themeing but that's an unrelated issue.

Is there a fix to greg.harvey's suspected cause anyways?

any ideas??

RobinMofo’s picture

After reading your latest update, I would suggest that because it happens on only one page and that page is themed and presented correctly; that your issue is separate to the ones discussed... it could more likely be a theme issues instigated from elsewhere, possibly APK.

You should try enabling debug_backtrace() in the devel module.. that will spit out errors on your page which may prove vital information to working this out.