Hey happy folks!

While random aimless browsing has been much improved in my switchover to Drupal search has issues and old-time users are ripping their hair as they've been spoiled by a search that:

- showed the very latest first by default
- showed images before the break so they could identify an ad visually
- could narrow the search down to search 'commercials' only or the other stuff only.

Drupal can narrow the search down to a type of note - doesn't care what category the node is in. Drupal also throws back commercials in the result without the leading iamge and seems to mix and match quite randomly for the date. Check a search for Budweiser here, where the more recent commercials show up only on page 13 and old ones from 2002 are at the begging. Weird.

Looks like I'll need to do something different for the search, as I'd like the images back, and to be able to narrow it down by category (rather than node) and it's pretty important that the results return in a most recent to oldest order. Google-searching the site is not an option as I've just moved over and Google has yet to re-index the site in full.

I found this add a "search by date" to the search : http://drupal.org/node/87838 but is there any thing else I can do? It seems to me that when I make comments and hits 0 important in the search settings, recent posting date should be the most important!


Dabitch’s picture

Wow, I have no idea how I managed so many typos in there, I hope it's still legible. Note= node, begging = beginning. Apologies.

Dabitch’s picture

Note: Trip_search here: http://drupal.org/project/trip_search might have worked for me if "search by category" actually meant search by category (as in categories in the category module, not categories as in taxonomies which have vanished since my vocabulary is now translated into categories...) so I'm looking into that one as well.

robertDouglass’s picture

Search results can be augmented and themed (coding needed). A Drupal programmer would be able to make the image in your search results appear as you need it.

This article shows you how you can use the search scoring factors to make recency the most important factor in your search results, and also how to put the controls for that in the advanced search form: http://www.lullabot.com/articles/drupals_search_module_and_scoring_factors

You might want to consider a solution based on Views and views_fastsearch (http://drupal.org/project/views_fastsearch).

- Robert Douglass

Lullabot | my Drupal book

Dabitch’s picture

Is it possible to create views after all taxonomies have been transformed into categories? I'm a bit stuck here since I went straight from a site full of creat terms/vocabularies into categories/containers with th the category module - without passing "views" (since I was having trouble with it) and now I can't use any fun views features since it'll be looking for taxonomies I no longer have AFAIK. If there was some way to get all my terms and taxonomies back and hav ethat as well as the Categories(modules) and containers that I've created it seems I would have many more options and solutions for every problem I run into.

The first thing I read was the Lullabot page that you link, alas I'm getting pretty random results anyway, despite scoring Keyword relevance 6, Recently posted 10, number of comment& hits 0. All I'm looking to achieve is that commercials from 2007 show up first in the list, before commercials posted in 2004. I get very random results with things from 2002, then some from 2004, 2006,2005 and then 2007, 2003 and 2001. It's really confusing me here.