As I promised in a forum post, my port to D6 is fully working, integrating a couple of patchs for correcting for IE7 and one or two bugs... I have it working great in a web Im working at so I post for you to check and test...

; $Id:,v 1.1 2007/01/05 15:57:53 jaza Exp $
name = Active select
description = Defines the activeselect form element, which allows modules to have AJAX-enabled select boxes.

; Information added by packaging script on 2007-01-05
version = VERSION
core = 6.x
project = "activeselect"


// $Id: activeselect.module,v 1.9 2007/01/05 15:57:53 jaza Exp $

 * @file
 * Defines the activeselect form element, which allows modules to have
 * AJAX-enabled select boxes.

 * Implementation of hook_help().
function activeselect_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/help#activeselect':
      return '<p>'. t('The activeselect module defines the activeselect form element. An activeselect element is the same as a regular select element, except that when the user selects a new option (or set of options), a different select element (the target element) gets its list updated. This is done using AJAX, and it is designed to degrade gracefully if the required JavaScript support is not present. The target element can be either a regular select box, or another activeselect box (which in turn can trigger another target box, which can trigger yet another, resulting in a hierarchical cascade of activeselect elements).') .'</p>';

 * Implementation of hook_elements().
function activeselect_elements() {
  $type['activeselect'] = array('#input' => TRUE);

  return $type;

 * Converts the string of values passed to an activeselect callback function
 * into an array.
 * @param $string
 *   The string of values passed to an activeselect callback.
 * @return
 *   An array of values, in the form $key => $value.
function activeselect_explode_values($string) {
  $array = explode('||', $string);
  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    $match = explode('|', $value);
    $array[$match[0]] = html_entity_decode($match[1]);

  return $array;

function activeselect_set_header_nocache() {
  header("Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT");
  header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
  header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
  header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
  header("Pragma: no-cache");

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function activeselect_theme() {
  return array(
    'activeselect' => array('arguments' => array('element' => NULL)),

 * Format a dropdown menu or scrolling selection box.
 * @param $element
 *   An associative array containing the properties of the element.
 *   Properties used: title, value, options, description, extra, multiple, required
 * @return
 *   A themed HTML string representing the form element.
 * It is possible to group options together; to do this, change the format of
 * $options to an associative array in which the keys are group labels, and the
 * values are associative arrays in the normal $options format.
function theme_activeselect($element) {
  $size = $element['#size'] ? ' size="' . $element['#size'] . '"' : '';
  $class = array();
  $extra = '';
  if ($element['#activeselect_path'] && $element['#activeselect_targets']) {
    $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'activeselect');
    drupal_add_css($module_path. '/activeselect.css');
    drupal_add_js($module_path. '/activeselect.js');
    $class[] = ' form-activeselect';
    $extra = '<input class="activeselect-path" type="hidden" id="'. $element['#id'] .'-activeselect-path" value="'. check_url(url($element['#activeselect_path'], array('absolute' => TRUE))) .'" disabled="disabled" />'. "\n";
    $targets = explode(',', $element['#activeselect_targets']);
    foreach ($targets as $key => $target) {
      $targets[$key] = 'edit-'. check_plain($target);
	  $extra .= '<input class="activeselect-targets" type="hidden" id="'. $element['#id'] .'-activeselect-targets" value="'. implode(',', $targets) .'" disabled="disabled" />'. "\n";
    $extra .= '<input class="activeselect-extra" type="hidden" id="'. $element['#id'] .'-activeselect-extra" value="'. check_plain($element['#activeselect_extra']) .'" disabled="disabled" />'. "\n";
  _form_set_class($element, $class);

  return theme('form_element', $element, '<select name="'. $element['#name'] .''. ($element['#multiple'] ? '[]' : '') .'"'. ($element['#multiple'] ? ' multiple="multiple" ' : '') . drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) .' id="' . $element['#id'] .'" '. $size. '>'. form_select_options($element) .'</select>'). $extra;


// $Id: activeselect.js,v 1.18 2007/01/05 15:57:53 jaza Exp $

 * Attaches the activeselect behaviour to all required fields
Drupal.activeselectAutoAttach = function () {
  var asdb = [];
  $('input.activeselect-path').each(function () {
    var index =, - 18);
    var uri = this.value +'/'+ encodeURIComponent(index).substr(5);
    var extra = $('#' + index + '-activeselect-extra').val();
    var targets = $('#' + index + '-activeselect-targets').val();
    var input = $('#' + index).get(0);

    if (!asdb[uri]) {
      asdb[uri] = new Drupal.ASDB(uri, targets);
    new Drupal.jsAS(input, asdb[uri], targets, extra);

 * An ActiveSelect object
Drupal.jsAS = function (input, db, targets, extra) {
  var as = this;
  this.input = input;
  this.db = db;
  $(this.input).change(function (event) { return as.onchange(this, event); });
  this.extra = extra;
  var targetsArray = targets.split(',');
  this.targets = [];
  for (var target = 0; target < targetsArray.length; target++) {
    var newTarget = $('#' + targetsArray[target]).get(0);
    newTarget.owner = this;
  // this only runs if the current element does not have a parent activeselect
  // linked to it - otherwise, IE has problems.
  if (!this.input.owner) {

 * Handler for the "onchange" event
Drupal.jsAS.prototype.onchange = function (input, e) {
  if (!e) {
    e = window.event;


 * Return the currently selected options as a pipe-delimited string
Drupal.jsAS.prototype.getSelectedOptions = function () {
  var selectedOptions = [];
  var maxWidth = 0;
  $('#' + + ' option').each(function () {
    if (this.selected) {
      var optionString = this.value.replace(/\|/g, '&#124;') +'|'+ this.text.replace(/\|/g, '&#124;');
    if (this.text.length > maxWidth) {
      maxWidth = this.text.length;

  return selectedOptions.join('||');

 * Sets the width and background position of the activeselect element.
Drupal.jsAS.prototype.setSelectWidth = function (width) {
  if (width != null) {
    this.selectWidth = ((width * 10) * 1.5) + 20;
    width: this.selectWidth +'px',
    backgroundPosition: (this.selectWidth - 35) +'px 2px'

 * Sets the width of the specified target element
Drupal.jsAS.prototype.setTargetWidth = function (target, width) {
  if (width != null) {
    this.targets[target].targetWidth = (width * 10) * 1.2;
    width: this.targets[target].targetWidth +'px'

 * Starts a search
Drupal.jsAS.prototype.populateTargets = function () {
  var as = this;
  this.db.owner = this;, this.targets, this.extra);

 * Fills the target select boxes with any matches received
Drupal.jsAS.prototype.populate = function (matches) {
  for (targetIndex in this.targets) {
    var target = this.targets[targetIndex];
    var matchesTarget = 0;
    for (targetElement in matches) {
      if ('edit-'+targetElement == {
        matchesTarget = targetElement;
    if (matchesTarget) {
      this.targets[targetIndex].multiple = matches[matchesTarget]['multiple'];
      if (matches[matchesTarget]['multiple']) {
        if ('[]') == -1) {
          this.targets[targetIndex].name += '[]';
      else {
        var bracketIndex ='[]');
        if (bracketIndex != -1) {
          this.targets[targetIndex].name =,;

      var targetMatches = matches[matchesTarget]['options'];
      var maxWidth = 0;
      for (currMatch in targetMatches) {
        var value = currMatch;
        var text = targetMatches[currMatch]['value'];
        var selected = targetMatches[currMatch]['selected'];

        if (text.length > maxWidth) {
          maxWidth = text.length;
        // 'new Option()' used instead of appendChild(), because IE6 refuses to
        // display option text if the latter method is used (otherwise they seem
        // to behave the same).
        //$(this.targets[targetIndex]).append(new Option(text, value, false, selected));
        if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
          this.targets[targetIndex].add(new Option(text, value, false, selected));
          $(this.targets[targetIndex]).append(new Option(text, value, false, selected));
        if (selected && !this.targets[targetIndex].multiple) {
          this.targets[targetIndex].selectedIndex = this.targets[targetIndex].options.length-1;
      if (this.targets[targetIndex].selectedIndex == -1) {
        this.targets[targetIndex].selectedIndex = 0;

      if (this.hasClass(this.targets[targetIndex], 'form-activeselect')) {
        // Since IE does not support the DOM 2 methods for manually firing an
        // event, we must cater especially to its needs.
        // Reference:
        if (document.createEvent) {
          // DOM 2 compliant method (Firefox / Opera / Safari / etc)
          var e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
          e.initEvent('change', true, false);
        else if (document.createEventObject) {
          // IE special weird method
          var e = document.createEventObject();
          e.bubbles = true;
          e.cancelable = false;
          this.targets[targetIndex].fireEvent('onchange', e);
      else {
        this.setTargetWidth(targetIndex, maxWidth);

 * Returns true if an element has a specified class name
Drupal.jsAS.prototype.hasClass = function (node, className) {
  if (node.className == className) {
    return true;
  var reg = new RegExp('(^| )'+ className +'($| )')
  if (reg.test(node.className)) {
    return true;
  return false;

 * An ActiveSelect DataBase object
Drupal.ASDB = function (uri, targets) {
  this.uri = uri;
  this.targets = targets;
  this.delay = 300;
  this.cache = {};

 * Performs a cached and delayed search
 */ = function(searchString, targets, extra) {
  this.searchString = searchString;
  if (this.cache[searchString]) {
    return this.owner.populate(this.cache[searchString]);
  if (this.timer) {
  var db = this;
  this.timer = setTimeout(function() {
      width: db.owner.selectWidth +'px',
      backgroundPosition: (db.owner.selectWidth - 35) +'px -18px'
    var targetIds = [];
    for (var target = 0; target < targets.length; target++) {
      if (targets[target].id) {
        targetIds.push(targets[target].id.substr(5)); // Cambiado!!!
    var targetsString = targetIds.join(',');

    // Ajax GET request for activeselect
      type: "GET",
      url: db.uri +'/'+ encodeURIComponent(targetsString) +'/'+ encodeURIComponent(searchString) +'/'+ encodeURIComponent(extra),
      success: function (data) {
        // Split into array of key->value pairs
        if (data.length > 0) {
          var targets = Drupal.parseJson(data);
          if (typeof targets['status'] == 'undefined' || targets['status'] != 0) {
            db.cache[searchString] = targets;
      error: function (xmlhttp) { 
        alert('An HTTP error '+ xmlhttp.status +' occured.\n'+ db.uri);
  }, this.delay);

// Global Killswitch
if (Drupal.jsEnabled) {

Just download the current version and overwrite the files with this versions...

I hope it'll be a valid starting point to make a official port to D6.

Juan Arias

Support from Acquia helps fund testing for Drupal Acquia logo


Francewhoa’s picture

Thanks Hwangar. I'm testing the above port to D6. I'll get back to you with my results.

If someone else want to test Active Select port to D6 I have attached to this post the module Active Select for Drupal 6. This is an unofficial version base on the above patch from Hwangar.

How to install the module:

  1. Disable current module.
  2. Uninstall current module.
  3. Download and install this patched module.
  4. Re-enable module.
dydecker’s picture

This sounds interesting.

Is Active Select still dependent on the category module or can it be used with any form?

Francewhoa’s picture

Hwangar: Here are my testing results with Active Select (August 21, 2008) downloaded from this page. Using a Drupal 6.4 fresh intall and Devel module to quickly generate dummy taxonomy.

The installation works. I see the module in module admin page.

Active Select widget for module Content Taxonomy can't be tested yet. The widget is not yet ported to Drupal 6. I have open a task.

Hope this testing help.

The following is a note to myself for future reference. Before using Active Select I must run cron to update the taxonomy index. Otherwise taxonomy won't work properly.

  • Cron is located under Administer > Reports > Status report > run cron manually link
that0n3guy’s picture

How do you test this without the Active Select widget for module Content Taxonomy?

I have installed it and activated it on drupal 6.4, and I didn't get any errors... so that seems good.

toitimhcm’s picture

Assigned: Micha1111 » Unassigned
Category: feature » task
Status: Active » Needs review

I just patched widget an attack at my web Link check. download here


Micha1111’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » Micha1111
Category: task » feature
Status: Needs review » Active

I tested the unofficial version above in combination with category_6.x-2.0-alpha4 and it works fine.
The containers and categories from category-module are saved as nodes, so I wonder, if there is an easy way to use "active select" for custom cck-nodereference-fields, because its the same stucture of data (simple nodes with relations) in my following example.

I have 4 content-types:
"Leagues": Number,Name
"Teams": Number,Name,inLeague (nodereference-field to content-type "Leagues")
"Players": Number,Name,inTeam (nodereference-field to content-type "Teams")

and the main-type "Pairs":
ofleague (nodereference-field -select- to content-type "Leagues")
team_home (nodereference-field -select- to content-type "Teams")
team_guest (nodereference-field -select- to content-type "Teams")
team_result (text-field)
player_home (multiselect nodereference-field to content-type "Players")
player_guest (multiselect nodereference-field to content-type "Players")
player_result (multiselect text-field)

At the moment, its difficult and not userfriendly to select 1 of 10 Leagues, 1 of 100 Teams and 1 of 1000 Players from select lists.
It would be easier, if the user, who adds a new pair, could at first choose a league
in the next select lists for team_home and team_guest only teams from the choosen league should be available
in the next select list for player_home only players from team_home should be available
in the next select list for player_guest only players from team_guest should be available

I can't use the category-module for this , because its not possible to use a category select-list-field twice in the same form like nodereference-fields.

I hope, there is somebody, who can support this feature.

that0n3guy’s picture

I posted my attempt to update the activemulti widget to D6 here:

I based it all on what toitimhcm did (see #5 above) and ran it through coder module. As such, it doesnt seem to be referencing activeselect (just like toitimhcm's port) so if anyone can look at it really quick, that would be amazing!!

Hwangar’s picture

Hello guys,

after check the state of Hierarchical Select, and knowing that Wim is quite busy right now, the case is that I need to handle a huge hierarchy and cannot let users deal with the giant select (default implementation), so I decided recheck this module again and add a couple of features...

you can view it fully working here: (the right searching block is based on the vocabulary)

I'm thinking about substituting the term-selector in node edits with this...

if anyone wants to add features, say now or shut up forever!!! :P

ok, I'll keep you informed
Juan Arias

that0n3guy’s picture

Awesome, thanks for showing your site to verify it works.

The only other features I'd go for are to have some content_taxonomy widgets working... especially this one:

I think its very close to working, it just needs someone who knows activeselect to look at it.

no2e’s picture


scott859’s picture


adf1969’s picture

I am trying to use the D6 port and am having the following issue (my code is at the end of this post):

My ActiveSelect works as the functionality is intended (as it relates to ActiveSelect. Fields load values with Ajax, fields can be selected, fields are "dependent" as expected).
Where the problem occurs is if I hit the "preview" or "save" buttons.

If I do that, I get the following error

( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets in D:\xampp\htdocs\avcorp\sites\all\modules\CCK.custom\cck\content.module on line 1234
Call Stack
#	Time	Memory	Function	Location
1	0.0009	84656	{main}( )	..\index.php:0
2	1.4668	34048400	menu_execute_active_handler( )	..\index.php:22
3	1.4745	34281272	call_user_func_array ( )	..\
4	1.4745	34281368	node_add( )	..\
5	1.4748	34282760	drupal_get_form( )	..\
6	1.4791	34395016	drupal_process_form( )	..\
7	1.6132	35485496	drupal_validate_form( )	..\
8	1.6133	35485984	_form_validate( )	..\
9	1.6499	36853000	form_execute_handlers( )	..\
10	1.6500	36853632	node_form_validate( )	..\
11	1.6500	36853632	node_validate( )	..\
12	1.6629	36889768	node_invoke_nodeapi( )	..\node.module:809
13	1.6660	36891192	content_nodeapi( )	..\node.module:673
14	1.6661	36892040	content_validate( )	..\content.module:416
15	1.6661	36892040	_content_field_invoke( )	..\content.module:263

The following is content.module:1234 :

1233      // Make sure AHAH 'add more' button isn't sent to the fields for processing.
1234      unset($items[$field['field_name'] .'_add_more']);

I stepped through the entire form_builder() execution to see what was causing the error, and it appears that the following is the issue:

* When I turn "off" the ActiveSelect (and leave both CCK fields as plain old SELECT elements, the POST value for each of them is as follows:

_POST['field_ref_pmproperty] = array('nid' => array('nid' => ''));
_POST['field_ref_pmunit] = array('nid' => array('nid' => ''));

* When I turn "on" the ActiveSelect, the POST values for each of the ActiveSelect elements is as follows:

_POST['field_ref_pmproperty] = '';
_POST['field_ref_pmunit] = '';

I do not know why this is. I'm guessing it must have something to do with how ActiveSelect builds the actual "select" element on the client. I also noticed that the select "name" attribute is: "field_ref_pmproperty[nid][nid]" with ActiveSelect turned off, but is just: "field_ref_pmproperty" with ActiveSelect turned on.

I'm hoping that someone who understands FAPI and "widgets" can explain to me what the solution is.
I spent considerable time figuring out ActiveSelect and could really put it to use, then spent a bunch of time on this issue, and now I'm wondering if I should just skip using ActiveSelect entirely because I think solving this issue is a bit beyond me (I just don't understand how the POST value gets set in Drupal so am not even sure where to begin...this issue went from an ActiveSelect issue, into a Drupal core issue...which is out of my league...)

Here is my ActiveSelect implementation code:

function _pmhelper_get_properties($include_none = TRUE) {
  $items = array();

  if ($include_none) {
    $items[''] = '- None -';

  $result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql(
      'SELECT n.nid, n.title FROM {node} n ' .
      'INNER JOIN {content_type_pmproperty} p ON n.vid = p.vid ' .
      'WHERE n.status = 1 ORDER BY p.field_propcode_value, n.title'));
  //$result = db_query("SELECT menu_name, title FROM {menu_custom} ORDER BY title");
  while ($item = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $items[$item->nid] = $item->title;

  return $items;

function _pmhelper_get_units($property_nid = NULL, $include_none = TRUE) {
  $items = array();

  if ($include_none) {
    $items[''] = '- None -';

  if ($property_nid == NULL) {
    $result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql(
      'SELECT n.nid, n.title, u.field_ru_number_value FROM {node} n ' .
      'INNER JOIN {content_type_pmunit} u ON n.vid = u.vid ' .
      'WHERE n.status = 1 ' .
      'ORDER BY u.field_ru_number_value, n.title'));
  } else {
    $result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql(
      'SELECT n.nid, n.title, u.field_ru_number_value FROM {node} n ' .
      'INNER JOIN {content_type_pmunit} u ON n.vid = u.vid ' .
      'WHERE n.status = 1 and u.field_pmproperty_nid = %d ' .
      'ORDER BY u.field_ru_number_value, n.title'), $property_nid);
  while ($item = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $items[$item->nid] = $item->field_ru_number_value;

  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter()
function pmhelper_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  $activeselect = module_exists('activeselect'); // Bool: Does Active Select Module exist?

//ADFTODO: The ActiveSelect module doesn't work yet.
// When it "renders" the list box, it names it wrong; it needs to be named:
// <element-name>[nid][nid] but instead it names it as just: <element-name>
// This causes an error to get thrown in content.module:1234 or in nodereference.module:184
// so for now, I can't use the ActiveSelect module...
  if ($form_id == "pmcontact_node_form") {

    if ($activeselect) {
      if (isset($form['field_ref_pmproperty']) and isset($form['field_ref_pmunit'])) {
          //drupal_set_message('Update ActiveSelect');
          // field_ref_pmproperty to ActiveSelect
          $form['field_ref_pmproperty']['#type'] = 'activeselect';
          $form['field_ref_pmproperty']['#activeselect_path'] = 'pmhelper/activeselect';
          $form['field_ref_pmproperty']['#activeselect_targets'] = 'field-ref-pmunit';
          $form['field_ref_pmproperty']['#activeselect_extra'] = '';
          $form['field_ref_pmproperty']['#options'] = _pmhelper_get_properties();

          // field_ref_pmunit to ActiveSelect
          $form['field_ref_pmunit']['#type'] = 'activeselect';
          $form['field_ref_pmunit']['#activeselect_path'] = 'pmhelper/activeselect';
          $form['field_ref_pmunit']['#activeselect_targets'] = '';
          $form['field_ref_pmunit']['#activeselect_extra'] = '';
          $form['field_ref_pmunit']['#options'] = _pmhelper_get_units();

      } else {
        //drupal_set_message("Don't update ActiveSelect");

 * Implementation of hook_menu()
function pmhelper_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['pmhelper/activeselect'] = array(
    'title' => t('pmhelper activeselect'),
    'page callback' => 'pmhelper_activeselect',
    //'page arguments' => array('2'),
    'access callback' => 'user_access',
    'access arguments' => array('access content'),
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

function pmhelper_activeselect($source, $targets, $selectedvals, $extra = NULL) {
  if (empty($source) || empty($targets) || empty($selectedvals)) {

  $targets = explode(',', $targets);
  $output = array();
//  $output = array(
//    'field-ref-pmunit-nid-nid' => array(
//      'options' => array(
//        'opt-val-1' => array(
//          'value' => 'opt-text-1',
//          'selected' => TRUE
//        ),
//        'opt-val-2' => array(
//          'value' => 'opt-text-2',
//          'selected' => FALSE
//        )
//      ),
//    )
//  );

  $values = activeselect_explode_values($selectedvals);
  // Create the output array of values to return
  $property_nid = key($values);
  $pmunit_options = _pmhelper_get_units($property_nid);

  // Now load Units into the output array
  $options = array();
  foreach ($pmunit_options as $key => $value) {
    $options[$key]['value'] = $value;
    //$options[$key]['selected'] = TRUE;
  $multiple = FALSE;

  $output['field-ref-pmunit'] = array(
    'options' => $options,
    'multiple' => $multiple,

  // This is required since MSIE caches HTTP GET requests by default

  // Convert the "output" array into a json string for returning
  print drupal_to_js($output);
jazzitup’s picture

Where can I download the most recent dev-version of this module for D6?

Francewhoa’s picture

Hi madjoe,

Usually most recent dev-version of this module are available on this page under section 'activeselect HEAD' or section 'activeselect 6.x-1.x-dev':

But there's no Drupal 6 section/branch setup yet. Only the module maintainer can open a new branch. Current module maintainer is Jaza
I have created a new task today asking to create a new branch:

In the meantime you could ask one of the above testers and or developers to post on this page a tarbal file or a zip file of their latest dev-version:

melban’s picture


psboegh’s picture

Still no tar-ball available? I understand the module is working - at least as a -dev version?
If Drupal maintainence cannot keep up, can you please redirect us to an alternative server to download?

iaminawe’s picture


pankajshr_jpr’s picture

no tar till now ?? someone cud upload it on different server for use in between it wud hv the development patch?

Francewhoa’s picture

How to deal with abandoned projects:

Following above procedure I have created a new post:

Summit’s picture

Subscribing, greetings, Martijn

Summit’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » Micha1111
Category: task » feature
Status: Needs review » Active

Hi Toitim, Your link to the widget is not working anymore, please adjust.
Thanks in advance!

CarbonPig’s picture


tiuman’s picture

Please dont. Stop dev!!!

drupov’s picture


b2bweb’s picture


velam’s picture

Gents, interesting, will this module work with Drupal 7 ? Is it difficult to port to D7 ?
Can we use it instead of hierarchical select?
I am seeking for answer on usual problem: select country -> select region -> select city

NewZeal’s picture

No port currently in the pipeline.