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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Views (for Drupal 7)

You need Views if

  • You like the default front page view, but you find you want to sort it differently.
  • You like the default taxonomy/term view, but you find you want to sort it differently; for example, alphabetically.
  • You use /tracker, but you want to restrict it to posts of a certain type.
  • You like the idea of the 'article' module, but it doesn't display articles the way you like.
  • You want a way to display a block with the 5 most recent posts of some particular type.
  • You want to provide 'unread forum posts'.
  • You want a monthly archive similar to the typical Movable Type/Wordpress archives that displays a link to the in the form of "Month, YYYY (X)" where X is the number of posts that month, and displays them in a block. The links lead to a simple list of posts for that month.

Views can do a lot more than that, but those are some of the obvious uses of Views.

Views for Drupal 8

Views is in Drupal 8 core! Please open all Views-related issues for your D8 sites in the Drupal core issue queue.

Views for Drupal 6

Views on Drupal 6 is supported by the D6 LTS vendors and not directly supported by the module's maintainers.

Views Field View

There are a lot of cases in views where you want to embed a list inside each row. One example could be, you have a list of groups,

Views Bulk Operations (VBO)

Views Bulk Operations (VBO)

This module provides a bulk operations functionality integrated with Views, with many additional features like clean API for developers, batching and persistent selection comparing to the Drupal 8+ core bulk form. For Drupal 7 it is the only tool providing such features.

Views Slideshow

Views Slideshow can be used to create a slideshow of any content (not just images) that can appear in a View. Powered by jQuery, it is heavily customizable: you may choose slideshow settings for each View you create.

Potential uses

  • News item slideshow (such as the title, image and teaser of the last 5 news articles submitted)
  • The Last X number of X submitted (images, videos, blog entries, forum posts, comments, testimonials, etc.).
  • Rotate any image, based on any filters you can apply in views.
  • Hottest new products for any ecommerce drupal site.
  • Rotate contact links, share links, etc.
  • Heck, you could rotate entire nodes, categories, image galleries, etc. I wouldn't suggest it, but you have that power.
  • Its also a great space saver. Places where you had multiple images or multiple items such as RSS feeds or category listings can now be presented in a slideshow.

The possibilities are really endless, as the more ways you can think of to categorize and add to views, the more you can rotate.

Views Slideshow Installation and Configuration

Views data export

This module is designed to provide a way to export large amounts of data from views. It provides a display plugin that can rendered progressively in a batch. Style plugins are included that support exporting in the following types:

  • CSV
  • Microsoft XLS
  • Microsoft DOC
  • Basic TXT
  • XML.

Advanced usage

This module also exposes a drush command that can execute the view and save its results to a file.

drush views-data-export [view-name] [display-id] [output-file]


The batched export functionality of this module requires a MySQL database.
This module also requires version 2.7 or higher of views.

Similar modules

  • Views Bonus Pack includes an export submodule that allows exports, but is not scalable for large data sets.
  • Views Datasource allows exporting to XML/JSON among many others, but is geared towards small exports.
  • Services Views provides ways of exporting views results as XML, JSON and CSV using Services.

Views Infinite Scroll

Views Infinite Scroll

Views infinite scroll allows you to load and display pages of any view inline, using AJAX (this has been called infinite scrolling, load more, autopaging, endless pages and more).

Views Bootstrap

The Views formatting setting options set with Bootstrap Carousel selected

Views Bootstrap module enables you to create components following the theme structure of the Bootstrap framework all within the configuration settings of the powerful Views module.

Administration Views

Replaces administrative overview/listing pages with actual views for superior usability.


  • Filter all administrative views via AJAX.
  • Perform any kind of bulk/mass operations on items in administrative views.
  • Filter content by title, node type, author, published status, and/or vocabulary.
  • Filter comments by title, author, node title, or published status.
  • Filter users by name, ban/blocked status, or user roles.

Views PHP

This module allows the admin account (user 1) to add fields, filters and sorts to views which use PHP code. It also supports additional accounts when the core PHP Filter module is enabled.

Views Autocomplete Filters

Views Autocomplete Filters - Search Suggestions

The Views Autocomplete Filters module extends views text fields filter with autocomplete functionality. The supported filters are:

  • "combine" - allows to search on multiple fields (core/views).
  • "search_api_fulltext" - fulltext search (search_api).
  • "search_api_text" - fulltext fields search (search_api).
  • "string" - allows to search on multiple fields (core/views).

Some benefits of the Views Autocomplete Filters are:

  • Quick find the desired entity by its title or unique text field
  • Find all entities that shares a common string value from a field. Example: All nodes that are created by a specific user name.

Views Accordion

Views Accordion screenshot

Views Accordion provides a display style plugin for the Views module.
It will take the results and display them as a JQuery accordion, using the first field as the header for the accordion rows.

The module integrates the jQuery UI Accordion plugin as a views style plugin. You can configure the options provided by the jQuery UI plugin.

Views Conditional

Views Conditional is a simple module that allows you to define conditionals (if xxx then yyy)
with fields in views.

Views fieldsets

Views fields UI


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.

Fullcalendar View

This is a View plugin module that provides a calendar view format powered by FullCalendar JavaScript library

Views Aggregator Plus

As the Views and Views Calc modules rely on the database to perform aggregation, you only have limited options at your disposal.
As the great Merlin himself said: "You can't aggregate a PHP expression in the database.  :/ ".
That's where Views Aggregator Plus comes in. In addition to what Views and Views Calc do, this module:

  • enumerates group members
  • produces tallies, i.e. textual histograms
  • aggregates on Views PHP code-snippet evalutations
  • can filter out result rows on regexp patterns
  • gives you sorting on Views' Math expressions
  • can process Webform submissions
  • lets you add your own custom aggregation functions

... and it puts summary statistics at the bottom of your aggregated table as well!

Views Templates

Views Templates

This module is intended to be used by other modules to offer Views templates.
Modules can implement ViewsTemplateBuilder plugins to provide Views templates.

Views Bulk Edit

Allows bulk updating of entity values via views bulk actions. By default it is configured for nodes but can be configured for other entity types.

Views Load More

Yes, this is indeed, Yet another load more pager for views.

This module has some very key differences then the other load more module.

Insert View

Insert View is a filter that allows users to embed content lists generated by the Views module into node bodies and blocks using relatively simple tag syntax.

Masonry Views

This modules defines a masonry grid view style using Masonry API module.

Views Responsive Grid

#D8CX: This module will not be ported for Drupal 8. Views grids in core have been replaced with DIVs: #1903746: Replace the views grid table template with one using divs!

Views Responsive Grid provides a views plugin for displaying content in a responsive(mobile friendly) grid layout. Rather than trying to force the standard Views grid display to work for mobile this provides the same functionality, but in DIVs instead of tables. Provided is also the ability to specify a horizontal or vertical grid layout which will properly stack the content on a mobile display.


  1. Download module and copy views_responsive_grid folder to sites/all/modules
  2. Enable Views and Views Responsive Grid modules.


  • Horizontal or vertical grid layouts
  • Custom classes for use with responsive themes


How to Use

After enabling the module, create a new view with the responsive grid display format. Specify the number of columns, and the alignment of the grid.

Views tree

Heirarchical listing of Drupal Core versions created with Views Tree and Views

This module provides a tree-based style plugin for Views. It is equivalent to the tree-based style template from Views 1.

It is based off of the list style. Although it generates a nested view, there is still only a single query run for the view making it quite performant.

The 1.x branch is compatible with Views 2. The 2.x branch is compatible with Views 3.


  1. Create a new view using the Fields row style. Populate it with the appropriate fields you want.
  2. Select the Tree (Adjacency model) style plugin.
  3. Select the linking fields in the style configuration panel. Generally, you will want to link from a nodereference field to the nid on the same node type. That is, the nodereference field is used as a pointer to the "parent" node.
  4. Save and enjoy.


This module has been tested and used with the following relationship-oriented modules:

  • Taxonomy (in core) - parent/child relationships
  • References - node and user references
  • Relation - references between any entities (D7 only)
  • Entity reference - references between any entities (D7 only)
