This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Project has moved to Drupal Code Sniffer

There we will join forces to enhance and extend the PHP Codesniffer standard for Drupal.
Integration into Eclipse is still possible by using Eclipse PTI (Php Tools Integration).

This project aims to provide a drupal coding standards validator embedded in the Eclipse IDE.
Initial post which triggered this project:



  • Install Eclipse
  • Install PTI Plugin
  • Configure PTI:
    • Open Eclipse preferences -> PHP Tools -> PHP Codesniffer
    • Add a new "CodeSniffer Standard" - choose this library
    • Activate the library by checking the checkbox next to its name.
    • Make sure the Standard Tab Widht configuration is set to 0. Otherwise you won't get notified about evil tabs in the code.


Use the PHP Tools entry in the context menu (right click) in the navigator or hit "Validate" within the context menu (right click) of a file.


  • Disable the autorun of validators to save performance.
  • Configure the "CodeSniffer Standard" to be use per project.

Known Issues

  • Incomplete code validation. It's likely that the Coder module has a better coverage of the coding standards.
  • Documentation tag just rarely supported - there are many missing / disabled "sniffs"
  • PTI seems to have an issue with Eclipse Indigo

Project information
