Classic Organization Member badge

7 people on

Organization type



United States

Drupal Training by Drupalize.Me

Become a member at Drupalize.Me and access professional Drupal training anytime, anywhere. Thousands of people and organizations around the world already trust our comprehensive tutorial library.

We're your best source for learning Drupal. We provide the most complete set of tutorials, which we keep up to date with each new release of Drupal core.

Skilled Trainers
Learn from instructors with real development expertise and years of teaching experience. We've also written the popular O'Reilly book, Using Drupal (1st and 2nd Editions).

Engaging Tutorials
Access the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal tutorials, with a combination of written tutorials, thousands of videos, and ways to further your learning.

Drupalize.Me is a product of Osio Labs (formerly Lullabot Education).


We offer personal and organization memberships to suit everyone's needs. Sign up today and start learning!

(Hint: If you are a member of the Drupal Association, you can get 20% off!)

Drupal contributions

Our team regularly contributes patches and documentation for both modules and themes and Drupal core. Examples include:

Drupal 8 User Guide
Olark Chat module
OG Extras module
Subuser module
TenderApp SSO module
960 Robots theme
960 Robots Omega theme

We attend, sponsor, present, and conduct workshops at Drupal events around the world. And we work to involve others in Drupal core development via core mentoring sprints.

Instructional videos facilitating community involvement are hosted free at Drupalize.Me.

4 supported contributor roles

Contributor roles

eojthebrave's picture

From 2021-07 to present
From 2016-01 to present
Maintainer of many guides, including the Drupal User Guide. And a member of the Documentation Working Group
From 2010-01 to present
Have spoken at DrupalCon's and Camps. Keynote speaker at DrupalCon Vienna.

Amber Himes Matz's picture
Amber Himes Matz

From 2019-06 to present
Core Help module (previously experimental Help Topics module)