The system requirements for installing OpenAtrium 7-x.2-x via Aegir may be even higher than those listed on the main OpenAtrium install page. If your Aegir site install tasks seem to spin forever ( > 30 minutes), it's likely that the provision-install-backend task has died without updating the Aegir front-end. This could be a good indicator that your system is under-resourced for OpenAtrium, especially if you are able to successfully install sites on other platforms.

This reviewer successfully installed OpenAtrium 2.0.9 on an m1.small EC2 instance with 1.7GB RAM and 1GB swap running BOA 2.1.3 (drush version 4.6-dev), after numerous failures attempting to install sites on a less powerful EC2 instance. The successful site Install task took 14 minutes, 8 seconds to complete.

Relevant php configuration settings:

In main php.ini file (/etc/php5/conf.d/php.ini, or on BOA, /opt/local/etc/php53.ini),

max_execution_time = 900
max_input_time = 900
memory_limit = 512M

In CLI php.ini file (/etc/php5/cli/php.ini, or on BOA, /opt/local/lib/php.ini),

max_execution_time = 0
max_input_time = 0
memory_limit = 512M

Note that these settings my conflict with proper execution of your Aegir servers in a production environment. Please test thoroughly before making changes to production servers.

Also note that, on BOA, a barracuda upgrade task will overwrite these settings unless specified by _CUSTOM_CONFIG_PHP_5_3=YES in /root/.barracuda.cnf