To use Drupal's multi-site features:

Add host to the config.json file with the document root as "drupal7" (or "drupal8") such as:

"themer": {
  "account_name": "root",
  "account_pass": "root",
  "account_mail": "",
  "site_name": "Theme Development",
  "site_mail": "",
  "vhost": {
    "document_root": "drupal7",
    "url": "",
    "alias": [""]

*Add a comma after the previous host or you'll get a config error.

Make sure you are pointing to the same document root as your drupal7 site is
Then re-provision the box and add your domain ("" in this instance) to your host file.
Vagrant ssh again and type: drush @themer site-install (using your own domain of course).
If it does not work and you get an error about starting over, you might have to do a "vagrant provision" a second time.


Johnnie Walker’s picture

It would be handy if the term `multisite` is explained.

Is this a VDD term? Does it refer to Apache Virtual hosts? Or is it a UCM (Unified Change Management) pattern? Or something else.

MrPhilbert’s picture

Drupal itself is capable of hosting multiple sites on multiple domains using the same codebase.
It does this the same way (or similar) that apache, nginx or any web server does it.
It checks for incoming domains and routes them to the proper site in your multi-site stack.
If you look in your sites folder, you will see one for default. Let's call that "".
Now let's say you also want a site at "" but you don't want to install and maintain a completely separate Drupal installation. Easy. Just make a new folder in the sites directory and follow the directions here and you're good to go. Just make sure your server points both domains to the same Drupal installation folder.

Johnnie Walker’s picture

Thanks. I have tweaked the page content to clarify that.

ragavendra_bn’s picture

How to provision and existing multisite. I see there is no way to enter the site dir in the config.json apart from the document root like from the manifest file generated from the drush archive dump. It would be nice if the drush archive restore can easily restore a multisite installation.