A screenshot showing blur-in functionality of images using Bookish Image.
A screenshot showing image editing with filters, adjustments, and crops.
A screenshot showing code embedding and highlighting with highlight_php.
A screenshot showing modern tagging using Tagify.
A screenshot showing OEmbed in CKEditor 5 without media.
A screenshot showing that the Bookish Toolbar just uses the default Shortcuts.

Bookish Admin contains all modules used by the Bookish install profile, which can be used on any site.

These modules focus on content editing and performance enhancements for vanilla-ish Drupal.

Here are some of the most useful ones:

  • bookish_ckeditor: Provides support for the CKEditor 5 MediaEmbed and CodeBlock plugins. The MediaEmbed plugins does not require the Drupal Media module, and adds additional support for Twitter and Flickr. For syntax highlighting of CodeBlock embeds, also install the highlight_php module.
  • bookish_image: Provides an image widget that combines color editing/filtering and focal point functionality, and blur-up display for images and responsive images.
  • bookish_speed: Provides client-side routing to any Drupal site, by using fetch and parsing response HTML in JavaScript. Similar to RefreshLess, but also works with Tome.
  • bookish_tags: Provides a simple Tagify widget for taxonomy fields for modern tagging.
  • bookish_toolbar: Provides a minimal toolbar that only shows the default Shortcut links, and is never sticky.

The parent module (bookish_admin) contains miscellaneous features that are fairly specific to the Bookish install profile.

Please report non-security issues at https://github.com/drupal-tome/bookish

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