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Note: As of 2014-24-09, this module appears to no longer be supported. If you are interested in taking this module over, or you as the module maintainer feel this message has been posted in error, please reply to

We need to have one good module. Not a lot of half good.
#894680: Merge similar "node repeat" module

This module is intended as an add-on for the Date Repeat module, part of the Date package of modules. It grew out of the feature request discussion at Subsequently, it was orphaned and adopted.

Date Repeat allows you to specify a wide range of repeating date sequences. However, each sequence is stored in a single node. This means that all dates in a sequence share characteristics such as the description and other non-date fields. You can specify monthly meetings, but cannot change an individual description to add an agenda when it becomes available. You can specify weekly games, but cannot specify the teams in a specific game when they become known. Because the date fields are not in separate nodes, they do not work with Views.

This module fixes those problems by allowing you to generate separate nodes for each event in your sequence. As part of the node editing form, you'll see a question prompting you to "Generate each date as a single node". Answering yes (the default) will ceate one node for each date in the repeating pattern you've specified, as determined by the Date Repeat API. Each node may be edited separately after creation and used in views. Answering no will create a single node using the repeating pattern, essentially disabling this feature for the node.

Because each date occupies a separate node, this module works well with Views. It also allows meetings or games to be scheduled far into the future and have additional details applied when available.

This module is not entirely ready for a production site. It allows you to create a new sequence of nodes and to edit each node individually. It does not yet allow you to apply edits to multiple nodes in a sequence. When sequence edits have been added, a release candidate will be made available, followed by a production release.

It does work with pathauto. (To make it easier to determine which node you are addressing, it is recommended that you enable pathauto and include the date as part of the automatic alias.)

All known sql and similar errors have been fixed. The code follows more Drupal standards for data handling. The update.php code repairs problems with node deletion and pathauto handling.

Project information
