
in #3348857: I can't get Update Status I was asking for support and went and xdebugged the code. Learned some things about how the updater works. That said, There were a couple places where an entityquery was created where accessCheck() wasn't used and it was throwing an exception, but that exception was being caught by the try catch there. this was causing the most up to date information to not be grabbed from D.O for Drupal 10. This was introduced in 9.2 and enforced with an exception in 10.0. see


Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

Add accessCheck() to each instance of entityQuery in the codebase.

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Issue fork drd-3348861

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generalredneck created an issue. See original summary.

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Status: Active » Needs review
Related issues: +#3348857: I can't get Update Status
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did a search for getQuery() in the whole repo and made changes based on my best judgement updates work now. This solves my request in #3348857: I can't get Update Status

jurgenhaas made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

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Status: Needs review » Fixed

Thank you !

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.