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Translate views using Internationalization. This is a work in progress and not all Views properties can be translated yet. Requires Internationalization 6.x-1.5 or newer.

This module has been moved from Internationalization package so we can have different branches compatible with each of the Views versions. Use the same branch of the Views version you are using (2.x. 3.x)


Drupal 6 i18nviews 2.x

The 2.x version has grown up over some time. It was already a long way to go and we've collected handler by handler to improve support for all possible cases. However we've also learned that views 2.x translation is sometimes very ugly and hackish. Performance is limited.

Drupal 6 i18nviews 3.x

Views 3 introduces a complete new translation layer. We have pushed views 3 improvements to have a clean next-generation translation system that allows cleaner solution with scaleable performance.
We're working on a stable 3.x solution: We're almost there.

Drupal 7

There's a basic D7 port available now. Quality review and finalizing still pending. Your feedback appreciated. Note that we rely on the latest Views 7.x-3.x-dev version, not the alpha or rc.
The work was primary done by Miro Dietiker of MD Systems and dereine of Erdfisch.

New maintainer for i18nviews

Jose Reyero decided to release i18nviews primary maintenance.
Miro Dietiker of MD Systems took over maintainership for future.
If i18nviews is critical for your business, please contact me and support development. Your donations appreciated. Also if you like to join the i18nviews maintainer team, don't hesitate to contact me anyway. I'm looking forward to hear from you soon!

Project information
