distribution pagerank before
distribution pagerank after

Search engines bots (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Qwant, Yandex and many others…) use a Page ranker system in order to classify pages in the search result, so each page on the website has a specific rank based on how many links it includes.
This module gives the possibility to hide a specific link or links in a page (keeping the same behavior of a normal clickable link) in order to control more the ranking of a page.

Example of link obfuscation:

Link before obfuscation :
<a href=”https://drupalwebacademy.com/”>Drupal Web Academy</a>

Link after obfuscation :
<span class=”obflink” data-link=”aHR0cHM6Ly9kcnVwYWx3ZWJhY2FkZW15LmNvbS8=”>Drupal Web Academy</span>

See Pagerank distribution example in the pictures on the right.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
