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Term Display is a small helper module that provides display options for taxonomy terms on node pages. Options are:

  • default (change nothing, and display the terms in the normal way)
  • list (remove from the standard display and instead display as a list with the vocabulary name)
  • custom (remove from the standard display and instead display as a comma-separated list with the vocabulary name)
  • load (remove from standard display and store the term data for the vocabulary in the $node object so it can be processed in the theme: details of how this works are on the handbook page)
  • none (do not display the term).

For example, say you have an "Author" vocabulary where you list one or more authors of a piece of content. By default, these author names will appear in the list of terms associated with a piece of content. But if you select "custom" as the display style, the author will appear at the top of your content like this:

If you're looking at using Term Display, please evaluate Content taxonomy, which offers most of what Term Display does plus many extras and so may suit your needs better than Term Display.

Drupal 7

With fields in core and hence the ability in Drupal 7 to manage taxonomy via field display settings, Term Display appears to be no longer needed and so won't be upgraded to D7.

Maintained by: Nedjo Rogers and Joachim Noreiko

To use, enable the module and then navigate to the edit page for an existing vocabulary. You'll see a new fieldset, "Display options". Select a display style (one of the options listed above). Optionally, you can assign a weight to the resulting content to try to control where it displays, but this can lead to unexpected results and is recommended only for advanced usage.

Both the list and the custom display options can be overridden at the theme level.

Project information
