404 error on every page but main page

I have moved a site from one host to another. Lots of problems getting it to go, but now I have some of it working. The main page comes up, but the menu isn't working and if I try to go to any of the other pages I get:

404 - File or directory not found.

The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Any help? Thanks!

Can't display node body

Okay, so our web server crashed and burned and we had to restore from back.

Since getting everything back online, I can't display the node body anywhere. Can't show it in a view, won't display on the node, teasers don't appear either.

It's driving me insane. Has anyone seen anything like this before? Any ideas?

Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /var/www/drupal-6.19/

Moving from an old physical fedora server set up to virtual Centos 6 server.
Copied over the MySql databases and drupal directories.
Copied configs for Apache. Set the drupal directories
php installed.

I disconnect the physical and connect the virtual but when I try to visit the two drupal sites I get the Apache 2 Test Page and this in the http error log.


The Graph module supports the creation of graphs in a Drupal site.


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