Clean URL problem after shifting to new host

Recently I moved my website to a new host and as a result clean URL doesn't function anymore. When trying to enable clean URLs in the admin menu (approachable via /?q=user) it gives an error message: "This option makes Drupal emit "clean" URLs (i.e. without ?q= in the URL). Your system configuration does not currently support this feature. The handbook page on Clean URLs has additional troubleshooting information."

Comment Rating module

Is there a way to identify which module is used on a Drupal page? I am interested to know which comment rating module is used on this page, notice the thumbs-up/down Ajax rating system:

scroll down and click on Show Comments.

How to show only news of a certain taxonomy?


I have a homepage with a block with news items (created via views) of all recent pages/nodes.

Every page is linked with a theme through taxonomy.

Each theme has a kind of home page.

I 'd also like to add a new block on those theme homepages but only with new items of that theme. But its has to change for evey themehomepage.

So I clone my first view but I guess I need to add an extra setting through relationships or argument?.

Can anyone help me get started.


Analytics for Ubercart ? Any options ? What to do ?

Analytics for Ubercart ? Any options ? What to do ?


I installed analytics on drupal 6 and also enabled the Ubercart analytics module.

Can I know if there is anything to configure for ubercart or what does the ubercart analytics module brings above drupal analytics ?

Thank you for your help.

PHP Filter stopped working after core update 6.35


After updating my site with the last Drupal core update 6.35 on 18 March 2015, the PHP filter has stopped working and I can no longer use PHP in content. I have reset all the permissions and filter settings but to no avail. Has anyone else experienced this and know of a solution?

Many thanks

Running Drupal 6 with PHP 5.3 and Maintaining Security

I have a number of Drupal 6 sites that I can't upgrade at this time due to sheer lack of time to do so (it would be a major overhaul). Therefore, I am required to continue running PHP 5.3 on my server, but it is already EOL, and there are security fixes that have not been applied to it.


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