Strict warning problem after migration. What cause that?

I have migrate my site from server to localhost. After migration and updating modules and drupal core to 6.35 it still gives this warning?

Does Drupal 6 core modules have SimpleTests tests?

Hi all,

I'm testing the compatibility of the drupal 6 core with the most recent version of PHP, and wanted to pass the core tests with simpletest, but after installing the module, the only tests available are the Block and Simpletest ones:

Available test groups & classes

Drupal 6 compatibiity with PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6

Hi all,

we have some projects still running in drupal 6 with PHP5.3 and are considering moving up our php installation.

According to this page, D6 core should be compatible at most with php 5.4 (not contrib modules, but right now I'm only testing the core).

The thing is that I've created some virtual machines to play with different versions and a D6 core install seems to work without too much trouble up to PHP5.6.

Ubercart Attributes price not showing in checkout

I have developed a webform that incorporates ubercart product with attributes - so the user can register and checkout using one form as a product for their registration. The process of using a webform as a product with attributes works as expected. The problem is having the individual attribute prices showing in the checkout page.

This is a Drupal 6 website and here is the webform/product:

Responsive theme drupal 6


Do you know a responsive theme (mobile friendly) complete and free for drupal 6 ? Thanks a lot for your help :)

How to reroute a logged in user after page access denied at user/login in Drupal 6?

My Drupal 6 site has the login form at /user/login. If I'm logged in already - as any user - and I go to that URL, I'm sent to the Access Denied page (though the login URL stays the same).

I'd like to send such users somewhere else. Anywhere else. /user would be fine. Is there anything I can hook into to achieve this?


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