Content posts that update parent/sister content links

Hello! I've been tasked with streamlining the content posting process for the drupal-hosted website for my company. I'm a bit fresh-faced with drupal, so I'm hoping to find some answers or information about helpful modules here.

Having a problem deleting old content

My site has a job board where users can post available positions. I have 2 postings that are older than my employment and are dead links. I have looked under all content listing and cannot find a way to delete them. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

bypass drupal node_delete for own node type ?

Is there a possibility to bypass the node deletion when a user delete a node ?

do not missunderstand me:

i do not want not to dissallow a user to delete a node of my own node type.
i only want to set an own attribute (disabled = true) in my own node. The node should accessible by drupal search and so on.
Only in the context programmed by ourself the "disabled" attribute is used.

Caching issue with views bulk operations.

HI Guys

I am using varnish for caching purpose on one of my website.After configuring varnish views bulk operations is working in a strange way.

I have created a node view and used views bulk operation inside it but after selecting nodes and using any option all the selected nodes are getting lost on action confirmation page.

And also after removing varnish it's working fine.Please tell me what might be the issue.

Issues after D6 to D7 upgrade

I recently upgraded through the correct D6 minor upgrades then to D7 and I am now running into a few odd behaviors in the D7 admin:

- Blocks I assign to certain pages are not showing up. Specifically sidebars and footers. I have already tried disabling and enabling the blocks but it only works for some pages. The code for the blocks is shown when I view the source of the page which is odd. Example: (new d7) vs (old D6)

Drupal multisite hosting in ipage

I was wondering how I could I use

multisite hosting in ipage

, I have been using multisite hosting in bluehost but I couldn't do it on ipage, I asked to ipage support team but they were unable to help me.
Later I knew it is too simple than other service provided, here is how I do multisite hosting in ipage.


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