SA-CONTRIB-2015-026 - Taxonews - Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Search and return

I'm doing a site search and i have one problem, the search returns me all types.

I need not be listed certain types and use "preprocess_search_result"

i use drupal 6

there is a solution ?

SA-CONTRIB-2015-023 - Classified Ads - Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

SA-CONTRIB-2015-024 - Alfresco - Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Issues with multilingual site

Navigation problems and issues when editing posts (it changes to language neutral)

Module installation freezes on "updating translation"

When I try to install a new Drupal 6 module, it freezes on this updating translation screen:

Does anyone know what might be causing this? Could it be a permissions problem? Does Drupal try to write to the file system while updating translations?


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