Where to change the input query of uc_order table

I had a requirement of modifying the columns of uc_order table. But now, I'm unable to find the input query which running during the checkout process. If anyone knows from which file this input query is executing then that will be a great help for me.

Drush installation problem - Non-empty values for magic_quotes_gpc

I have successfully installed and configured Drush and i am able to work with it.

Unfortunately, I am getting an error like this:

The following restricted PHP modes have non-empty values: magic_quotes_gpc. This configuration is incompatible with drush.

I have tried this

magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off
in my php.ini and still I am getting the error. What could be the reason? How can I fix this?

SERVICES :How to pass different type of parameters as arguments

I know how to pass the string parameters through services
But how to pass
3. is it possible to get the full POST object at the my_call_back function?

for example (let me comment the lines where i am confused) in my my_module.services.inc i have some thing like

Looking for a reliable drupal expert

This job was filled. Not sure how to delete this post

On nodereference autocomplete field, add 10 new element in one click

I create a nodereference field with CCK.
I create a link with the text "Add 10 new element" under the button "Add another element".
The idea is to create 10 new autocomplete field in one click.

I tried to create a trigger 'click' with jquery on the field "field_nodes_add_more" but it is not working.

Also, when I listed all the input in the page, "field_nodes_add_more" is not in the list.

I will thanks you for all advice.

Responsive Menu Drupal 6


I'm not a dev, but am managing a developer working on a client's site. Basically the site we inherited has a ton of custom code on it and going from Drupal 6 to 7 is going to be a bit of an undertaking. That said, the devs are setting up the means to go from 6 to 8 without everything breaking.

In the mean time the site has been updated and secure (for the time being) with Drupal 6.

My question is...


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