deploying in a month--is 6xx for me?

I notice that RC1 is out. Any idea when that implies the general release will be coming?

Also, do you predict many 5x modules to break in 6x?

iMac Spec Recommendations & Happy New Year ;-)

Happy new year to all you happy Drupalers. I am considering buying an iMac to do Drupal Development upon. Does anyone have any recommendations about what spec I need. I want to use a local installation of Drupal, mysql and Apache on it. I have a limited budget so don't want to over cook the spec if it is not required.

Module Builder - A module building helper

Module Builder can significantly speed up your development of new and existing modules by generating fully formatted PHP code, your .info and .module files, complete with template functions for hook implementations.

It can be installed as regular Drupal module, and provides an admin interface to let you pick the hooks you want.

It also provides a versatile Drush command, which writes the files you generate directly to their final location, ready to be enabled, or returns generated code to the shell.


  • Automatically parses available hook names at your command... so help keep those files updated, won't you? ;)
  • Comes with some sample standard hook function declarations to get you started and a default module header; but if you don't like those, simply rename the .template files to -custom.template instead and create your own definitions!
  • Saves you the trouble of looking at 50 times a day to remember what arguments and what order different hooks use. Score one for laziness! ;)
  • Automatically selects hooks based on your needs.
  • Option allows you to turn off informative comments.

Installation and Configuration

No visible hierarchy for child nodes

I tried to changed our website from redaxo to drupal for more flexibility. But there is a very big problem. The Website has a simple hierarchy like /topic/article, but it is important for us that the first level is displayed "current or "active" until a child article is watched.

The system allways saves the articles with node/123, so it is not possible do get a real hierarchy. Am I wrong?
Is there a module or something like that which is able to fix this problem ?

WikiTools module installation in Drupal 6.0rc1

Hi all,

I want a wiki! We have Drupal up and running, and have added the wikitools module to ./sites/all/modules/, and yet when we look for the module in Administer->Site Building->Modules, it isn't there?! We have changed the permissions on the module to r+w+x for all, and it still doesn't work. Have also tried running the update script linked to on the modules page and still nothing.

Any suggestions?

Cheers :)

Writing a hook for date api

I want to write a hook for Drupal date functions and then a module for supporting different calendars, i'm not a core developer so i need advice.
1.Is this possible?
2.Is such a patch will be accepted by core commiters?
3.If some else has done something similar or if you know a tutorial i will be thankful if you direct me to that.



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