Support Drupal 6.x. CCK and Category.

I have questions on updating a site. Now the basic modules used on a site - CCK, Category, Views (except for standard). Whether developers of these modules can provide support of the 6.x version Drupal? Or they will refuse modules?
Thanks for your information!

Plone 3 vs. Drupal 6

I have absolutely no experience with either. What are the benefits of using each one?

How-to copy a content type


I'd love to know how can I duplicate a content type created with CCK so that I can change its name remove a couple of fields and have it, a new content type, ready-to-go.

Thanx in advance for any help,

2007 Drupal Summer of Code results

Aug 20, 2007 marked the end of the 2007 Google Summer of Code. Below is a table of this year's students, their projects, along with links to download and (where available) try them out. Please help test and provide feedback!

Please note too that we'll be having a Summer of Code wrap-up call on Sunday, Aug 26 from 11AM - 2PM Pacific (US) time, for students to talk about their projects, share lessons learned, etc.

Cron job problems


I am getting this error when I try and run a cron job

This is the error I get:

root@amelia [~]# /usr/local/bin/php /home/jipjip3/public_html/

Warning: main(./includes/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/jipjip3/public_html/ on line 9

Warning: main(): Failed opening './includes/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/jipjip3/public_html/ on line 9

Drag and Drop Sortable Blocks in 5 minutes

I had been looking for easy to use modules that support dynamic drag and drop of blocks, without requiring the user to do any sort of fancy setup, etc. I needed something similar to the Google homepage sort of feel that allows users to customize the site immediately upon logging in.

I searched for various modules and although I did like the MySite module, it was ultimately too sophisticated for our user base. To put it in simple terms, I needed something that provided drag and drop and sort for blocks, and users could do this on any page just by dragging the actual blocks around. It also needed to be persistent and remember the user set positions of blocks across page refreshes and sessions, and if possible support moving blocks from group to group.

Enter docking boxes. I had used the script before for some minor things and I liked it due to its simplicity and emphasis on using CSS framework. It also provides a nice sorting animation, is keyboard accessible and remembers the position of element boxes (blocks) using a cookie.

The script allows you to setup an unlimited number of drag and drop groups on either a horizontal or vertical axis and allows you to drag and drop elements within groups, but does not have a provision for moving boxes to other groups.


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