Hide selected field?

I have an input forum in Drupal 6. People select from the various options; but this selection has been pre-selected via an anchor when arriving to the page.

Is there a way to hide this field at all times as it's already been pre-selected? If the details are unclear let me know.

How can I add a new tab with tab content in the /user/* path?


I have a content node that I created as a webform that I would like to load inside of the tab content of a new tab in the /user/* path. I can't get the content node to load inside of the tab content, it loads it in it's own page; how can I get the content node to load in the tab content of "Register for another thing"?

I have successfully created a new tab by hooking the menu_alter method in a custom module like this:

Change drupal domain name local installation problem

Hi, I am changing my drupal site to a different domain name, same host, different user accounts.

I changed settings.php like base_url and cleared caches.

The site is running at new domain but sometimes it calls the old domain mainly in admin pages, sometimes I rename the url address at browser and I note it runs ok.

There is a copy of Drupal 6 (old domain) at new domain where I changed to Garland theme and left only drupal core modules enabled.

How do I make drop down menus that list sub-set pages

Hi all,

Id like to add a drop down menu for some TABS on my webpage. I have read this link and it shows various options. https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/working-with-menus/drop-down-menus

I have just installed Drupal and much to learn, could someone point me in the easiest direction to create a Drop Down. E.g The Home page has a TAB called example , then Id like several other pages e.g example 1,2,3, etc that can be access by hover of the main example TAB.

Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of Kyoto (ASTEM)


ASTEM is the public organization that make researches of Advanced Science and Technology, software technology, system technology. They've been engaged in researches for more than 25 years and trusted by many companies and organization in the region.

This website is to encourage internal discussions online in Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of Kyoto (ASTEM) attendees.


Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd. - Umeda MAG

Umeda MAG

“Umeda MAG” is the project for business people to interact with each other in Umeda, the heart of Osaka. Many workshops related to company operation are held in this project to make Umeda a more attractive area.

This website, “Umeda MAG,” is to showcase what’s happening in the community.

“Umeda MAG” shows event listings for attendees and also has SNS functionality to encourage every stakeholder to join the conversation.

Urban planning


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