Getting "Access denied" on PDF files in older drupal 6 site


I have an older Drupal 6.26/PHP 5.6.30 internal website that we moved to another server. Everything is working with the exception of 1 thing.

I'm unable to view any attached PDF files to a node. If the attached file is any other type (txt, doc, jpg, etc) things work just fine.

Johnson & Johnson

Operating out of over 60 companies utilizing thousands of websites spanning a variety of languages, products, and geographies, a centralized and standardized approach to digital was essential for the company, their partners, and their stakeholders.
Prior to our work, various regions and brands were using many different hosts and developers, leading to a lack of project governance across the digital portfolio and requiring many unusual considerations and specialists to make things work.

Images in articles of Drupal website acquires its own URL alias? How to stop this?

Hi, I'm new here. So I have a Drupal website and in it are articles that I post.

The article template has a field to upload images with the article text (body and teaser).

I notice that every image I upload gets its own URL alias after submitting the article, as example:

This is messing up my Google SEO as each image has its own urls and is showing up in the search index for my domain.

6.38 to 7.0 breaks after disabling of modules

I have a very large and very custom Drupal 6.38 site and am in desperate need to upgrade it to 7.
So I followed the instructions....

Back up
Set to maintenance mode
change to Garland theme
Disable all modules but not core or optional core (I also left UC_Core)
Then I got a broken page, unable to load or 500 error or something like page does not exist
I moved all Drupal 7 files and folders over but not the SITES folder and still, nothing

Please please help!


get value of a form using Form API


I am trying to get the value of a dropdown select and then run some code using SELECT CASE

Any help here much appreciated...

here is my code:

How to create a new page with out navigation bar at the right side in Drupal 6.30

i have a website built using drupal 6.30. When i click every menu in the navigation bar, the sidebar at the right side gets visible by default. Now i had created a new page called Map( When i click Map, i should not get the sidebar at the right visible in the page. How should i configure it. Any help would be appreciated.


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