Help converting preg_replace to preg_replace_callback

I took over a Drupal website and I need help converting the follow line of code frm preg_replace to preg_replace_callback.

return preg_replace('/&(#x?)?([A-Za-z0-9]+);/e', '_decode_entities("$1", "$2", "$0", $html_entities, $exclude)', $text);

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Upgrading 6.x to 8.x

I know 6.x sites are very fast.

I made a website using 7.x version with many Views but it was tremendously slow. I worked 2-3 years on it to make fast and finally I've laid it off to die.

I've a very successful site on 6.x now will upgrading to 8.x will kill its speed? How slow it could become if I upgrade without any changes?

Running 6.x on Ubuntu 14 or 16

Is it possible to run 6.x to run on Ubutu 14 or 16?

Will any issues come? and how to solve them?

Unable to find login url

Good afternoon, I have a client who reached out to me today, and I am trying to find the login page for Drupal. I've scoured the internet and been unable to find exactly what to type in to find my login page. This page was created quite a while ago (circa 2009) and I don't know what version of Drupal it is. I can post the site link if it helps

I've tried:

Fatal error. Help!

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare filter_xss_bad_protocol() (previously declared in /home/waxnuynl/public_html/includes/ in /home/waxnuynl/public_html/modules/filter/filter.module on line 1251

Any ideas?

I am a beginner with drupal and now I can't connect to my server since last night. Yesterday I update my version (was from 2011) and suddenly appeared that.

misplaced mini-panel

Not sure how it happened, but there is a misplaced mini-panel on our home page, located above the navbar (see first attachment). The rest of the site is fine (see second attachment); just the home page.

I've located and disabled the mini-panel + flushed the Drupal cache & browser cache, but it hasn't solved the issue.

Ideas anyone?


This is incorrect.


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