PHP Errors after upgrading D6.18 to Drupal LTS

I upgraded the Drupal 6.18 to Druapl LTS( 6.43) . There were no PHP errors earlier but I now see plenty of these errors in the log. Although site seems to be running fine. What to do?


My VPS: Ubuntu 14, PHP 5.59  :

Non-static method view::load() should not be called statically in on line 906.

Suddenly missing menu titles in nice-menu when not logged in as Administrator

Hi All,

An unusual issue has arisen on a Drupal site in our infrastructure. The site uses nice-menus to generate drop downs. The set-up is standard with a primary links menu displayed in the menu block. All was well and the menu was working fine for years.

Complete Mess In Drupal

I've been using and also worked on development for my Drupal sites since 2012. In 2012 I was happy to have moved to Drupal 6 sites from Joomla.

When I migrated to Drupal 7 I was at complete loss for a very good website. Terribly slow!

Views killed it! I tried hard - optimized Mysql, used APC, Views caching etc,ran on 6 core VPS but it would still be terribly slow. After putting much energy in it's development, I've given up on it.

How to Upgrade my Drupal 6.18 to Drupal LTS?

I've gone through the LTS announcement etc. But what is the systematic way to upgrade to the LTS version?

For example can I just upgrade to this LTS version : in normal way?

Artist's website: a way for visitors to contact artist without displaying email?

We have a platform where we set up Drupal sites for fine artists (they put up own content)

We always had webforms for visitors contact them. At first through the contact module. When DMARC came along we changed them all to webforms set up to send the message to the artist from, an email we validated as legitimately coming from the web server, setting up all the SPF and such as suggested.

D6 to D7 upgrade - not supported modul


I have a D6 SIte, which I would like to upgrade to D7, but the problem it that I have an event modul that I need and it's not supported.

I'm not clear what to do. Tips ?



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