Patching Drupal 6.38 process?

Can somebody help me understand the Drupal 6 LTS patch process.

Can I simply do the following and it will bring my up to current security release (including past patches since 6.38)?

1. Download drupal-core-sa-2018-004-d5-2965601-43.patch

2. Move the patch to my drupal directory

3. Execute: patch -p1 < drupal-core-sa-2018-004-d5-2965601-43.patch

Drupal 6 Warning

warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in xxx.tpl  on line 48.

warning: min(): When only one parameter is given, it must be an array in xxx.tpl  on line 48.

$area = explode('-', check_plain(arg(2)));
foreach ($area as $i => $v) {
  $area[$i] = ucfirst($v);
$area = implode(' ', $area);

$total_available = $view->total_rows;

Line 48: $area = implode(' ', $area);

// This site is running on Version 6 (Yes I know, upgrade.. client refuses) Any suggestions?

outputting fields in a CSV

I am trying to loop through the fields in my database using the following code but nothing is being output


$fp = fopen(realpath('./') .'/'. file_directory_path() .'/auto-csv/'. $filename, 'w+');
      $data = db_result(db_query("SELECT * FROM {actionmedicalresearch_gdpr_optin}"));
      foreach ($data as $fields) {
        fputcsv($fp, $fields);


Please advise

Not able to see posts on ( a forum made in Drupal)

Dear all,

Greetings everybody.

This is pertaining to the site ( a forum made in Drupal 6.34 ) . It is hosted on a VPS on

( Hostgator India ) .

Estimate migration use "Drupal 8 upgrade evaluation" module

Hello, everyone.
Who used module "Drupal 8 upgrade evaluation" for estimate migration from Drupal 6 to Drupal 8 or Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. This module is very easy to use. You just need to generate a JSON file and make an estimate of the migration of your resource at

Existing Website

I'm currently in charge of updating a companies existing website. However, I am experiencing a few problems when attempting to update the website. These problems are:

  1. The website is extremely outdated and running Drupal 6.34 and I'm unsure how to update this
  2. I'm unsure as to where the previous developer stored the files for the website and how to access them in order to back them up
  3. I'm unsure as to where the database is stored 

Somebody please help as I have little to no prior Drupal experience. Thanks!


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