Error Opening socket ssl://www.

Hello There,

I've a site running on drupal 7.6.x version and it works perfectly fine. We have installed SSL certificate and site is working fine with HTTPS  but one of the IMPORT functionality from admin is not working. I'm getting following error while trying to import feed while accessing site using HTTPS however IMPORT functionality is working fine while accessing site using HTTP

Could not call service background_batch:59063 for callback _background_batch_process: stdClass Object ([error] => Error opening socket ssl://  )

B2B Classifieds Portal for a Prominent Directory Publishing company

B2B Classifieds Portal for a Prominent Directory Publishing company

A prominent directory publishing company, in collaboration with a renowned Japanese partner, focuses on producing industry-specific guides. Headquartered in Delhi, it publishes widely recognized resources for the construction and industrial sectors.

To broaden its reach, the company explored the online B2B directory space by creating a platform aimed at connecting suppliers with buyers while showcasing a wide array of products. The goal was to develop a comprehensive website serving as a directory for suppliers and their offerings.


Drupal 6 share tables across two databases with two different users

Hey guys, 

I can't get my head around this. Maybe someone can give me a suggestion. 

I have two Drupal 6 instances in two different folders. Each is using its own DB. All i want is to share some tables from the first to the second. 
I managed to do that by doing this in settings.php : 


Drupal form design

hello folks!!!!

I am working on the forms in Drupal. The fields in my forms change every year. some new fields get added and some get removed. The user fills should get the form field based on their selection. What is the best way to implement this functionality? Does Drupal provide multiple versions of form or do I need to design new forms every year? basically, my form contains 50 fields and design them every year is a hectic task to me. can anyone please help me out.

Finding content with phpmyadmin

My Drupal 6 site is disfunctional because the provider upgraded php to version 7.

All I want to do right now is to extract the HTML of a page/post. I can find the node with phpmyadmin, but not the content.

Please help me find the content of a specific node.

Thanks in advance.

Old Drupal 6.38 Ctool Issue (Urgent Tips)

Hi Guys, 

My clients website suddenly got:

  • warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff) at offset 1811 in /home/xxx/public_html/sites/all/modules/ctools/includes/ on line 157.

I tried replace:




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