Migration order in Drupal 6 to Drupal 8

Hi there, I am working on a large 10.000 node migration. I first used "drush migrate-upgrade --configure-only" to craete configuration entities which I exported into yml files.    I have identified all the migrations needed.  I run the drush migrate:import myname_filter_format and     migrate:import myname_filter_user_role    ok

migrate:import myname_user   errors due to flatten.php  but ok I could manually set up the handful of users

then migrate:import myname_field     ok 38 of 40 ok and 3 ignored

Updating drupal 6 to drupal 7


upgrade 6 to v7, contributed modules that are in v 7

Currently at 6.14 and updating to 6.38, then upgrading to 7.66

Reviewing document - Drupal 6 contributed modules that are in drupal 7 core


I am very confused how to handle this module.

Per the bolded text below, this module has to be installed before doing the D7 upgrade ?  ( we do use CCK )

form_validate and form_submit


I'm having a problem with form_validate and form_submit, in short they never fire and although I've figured out why, I don't understand the reason, please see the below sample

function my_options_menu() {

$items = array();
$items['options'] = array(
'description' => 'blah',
'page callback' => 'do_test',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),

return $items;

Need to mass delete users

I want to start by saying this is my first dealings with drupal of any kind. I can turn a wordpress site inside and out but have zero experience with drupal. 

My company has recently inherited a Drupal 6.25 site from a company we purchased. I need to delete a lot of inactive users ( 6+ years inactive). I have found how to do that in the administer>user management, deleteing 25 at a time. However, this site has not really been maintained and there are 1,428 pages of users. Yes, 1,428 pages . 

Updating complex site from Drupal 6 to 7

Hi everyone -

My 2-person team responsible for a complex subscription site which we are upgrading from Drupal 6 to 7. There are several dozen contrib and custom modules, and many of the contribs have been modified over 8 years. A daunting task, to be sure.

The conversion of our "public" side (converted from Ubercart to Commerce) is nearly complete, and we are about to test the Commerce data that has been migrated from Ubercart by a third party.


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