Drupal 6 and php 5.3

Hi everybody,

I run a website with Drupal 6 with integrated simplenews and php 5.2

My Provider wants to cancel php 5.2 for security reasons, so I created a copy of the website, and testet it under php 5.3

I get the warning:

Parameter 3 to simplenewsoverride_form_alter() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/web/mypath/webroot/includes/common.inc on line 2976.

In simplenews there are some tabs missing, for example the "Add newsletter"-tab.

Has anybody an idea, what to do?

Thank you


Drupal ignores all CMS form submissions (page editing, admin, etc.)

After successfully using Drupal for years, suddenly (for about 10 days now) Drupal behaves as if it was in read-only mode:

After logging in as site admin, all attempts to edit any pages are being ignored and the form resets to the original state. Even the "preview" is not showing the newly edited parts of a page. The content always remains in its current state.

Trying to Restore DRUPAL - Need Advice!

Hi Everyone.  I need some advice  I need to restore a DRUPAL  Version 6.x site with the hopes of then upgrading it to Version 8.X. The original site was lost when the hosting provider went SUDDENLY without warning Out of Business, which happen at a real bad time.  If at all possible, I must restore this site or all the content would be lost, which would impact other projects  I have a local copy of the site that I think is pretty current (for the version) and I have a disk image from the original server of the website root, so I can get the uploaded files.  I also have backup database .SQL

Trying to Upgrade to DRUPAL 8

Hey all - I have a DRUPAL site using DRUPAL 6.x.  The hosting provider abruptly went out of business - no warning.  So there wasn't a chance to move the site.

Transfer text from Drupal6 to Drupal8 via SQL code


what I'd like to do is to transfer the Articles from a Drupal 6 into Drupal 8.

I have admin privileges on both Servers and both MySql dbs.

The easiest way would be through SQL code.
I analysed the DB on Drupal 6, but on Drupal 8 there are many differences.

Before I go on searching and trying I find it wise to ask the community if there is something already in that directions and of general ideas.

All articles are written by same user, the only thing to take additionally care of is that there exist tree menus.

Mitigating Drupal 6 Critical Vulnerability(A-CORE-2018-004)

I don't want to upgrade to Drupal LTS. Due to financial constraints I'm very happy with my D6 sites.

I just want some patch code which I can add in the bootstrap.inc to mitigate or do away with this vulnerability. Or can anyone explain me more about this so that I can myself make some code and add it


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