Working Couples is a online application created for couples who want to work together. The application provides job listings that are specifically tailored to couples, with opportunities in hospitality and tourism-related businesses such as resorts and bed and breakfasts.


Library jquery.timepicker not found and unable to replace it - Drupal 7.51


We have a project that we need to rebuild, using Drupal 7.51. When rebuilding it using Drush, we noticed some libraries were failing, because they are no longer in the specified URL in project.make.

I've updated the URLs in the libraries that are in project.make. But there's one that is not specified in this file, and I think that is a requirement of Drupal that is added when building the project.


As a veteran-and-women-owned public benefit corporation, Kind Traveler’s mission is to empower a new generation of travelers into a financial force that betters the health and wellbeing of individuals, animals, and the environment in communities around the world.  

Travel and Hospitality

getting Error in in php 7.4

I have installed Drupal 7.98 on php 7.4, but anyway around one year I am getting following error message :

Excel Tech Group

Excel Tech Group

Excel Tech Group has been involved in various types of electrical and maintenance services since 2005.

Manufacturing and Energy

Problems after activating Stylizer

Sorry about this, but I am working with Drupal 7 and i'm in trouble...

I activated the "Stylizer" and "Colors" modules.
After i did that, the edit article page is different: Now I have more fields, and some buttons doesn't work - i cannot change from plain text to php editing, for example. I deactivated the modules, but the changes persist...

I am searching about it and trying solutions, but I cant understand what happened. I assume i have different codes that conflict with each other.


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