An user pays credits for publishing a post

Paying credits for doing actions on a site makes it necessary to check user credits before performing the action. So I use an "Before saving content" event and a "Entity has credits" action to do so.

To avoid publishing the post we send the user back to the add content form using a custom "Execute custom PHP code" action. In order to allow PHP snippets you have to activate core module "PHP filter".

The first rule looks like that:

An user earns credits for publishing a post

After creating Credit Types at admin/commerce/credits/types (see README.txt for details) you are ready to use credits account. They are linked to users, so adding and removing credits must be related to an user entity.

Here a simple rule which adds 1 credit to users who write a blog post:

Drupal 8 Release

Viewfield 8.x-3.x

The Viewfield module defines an entity reference field type to display a view. Viewfield enables an administrator or content author to integrate a views display into any fieldable entity, such as content, users or paragraphs. In addition, through the use of the Always use default value setting, the same view(s) may automatically be placed into all entities in a bundle. Viewfield has considerable theming support, making it easy to customize presentation.

Google Analytics Reports 7.x

This documentation is for the 7.x version of Google Analytics Reports. For Drupal 6, click here.

Required modules

Google Analytics Reports provides a Views query plugin to create Google Analytics reports using Views interface.

Configurable behavior objects with @CfrPlugin

The "Configurator plugin API (cfr)" is an API for "configuration-born behavior objects".
In site building it does take a similar, but more flexible and powerful role as the Drupal 8 plugin API or the CTools plugin API.

Data Helpers - High Volume Time Series Storage & Analysis

Data Helper storage framework in Drupal to provide support for high volume data storage and analysis. Borrows many concepts and structures from the ArcHydro data model, but scope goes beyond a simple watershed data storage infrastructure to accomodate any geospatial and high volume time series dataset. Uses entity framework to optimize storage and retrieval in Drupal.


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