Maintainers strive to actively monitor issues and respond in a timely manner.


Audioblog allows users to access and record audio blog entries from their phone. New entries can be created via SMS, regular phone call, or directly from the web.


Adds a "forward this page" link to each node. This module allows users to email a specific node or other entity on your site to a friend. You can customize the link text and icon and choose the view modes on which the link appears. You can also customize the email template to match the rest of your site. The module includes a report on which pages are forwarded the most and a log of all forwarding activity.


On International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th), this filter changes all appropriate English phrases and words into pirate-spea



Favorites provides a tiny block that allows users to easily bookmark any content of the site.


  • Easy to install and easy to configure.
  • Add and delete favorites with few clicks.
  • Have as many bookmarks per user as desired.
  • Enter custom names for each bookmark.
  • Also saves search results etc. by storing the query string (other than similar modules).
  • Now also works for anonymous users (cookie based).


This module helps organize a group of nodes into a publication, such as a newspaper, magazine or newsletter. Each publication can have multiple editions. Within each edition, the E-Publish module also makes it possible to organize content by topic, similar to the way news websites such as the New York Times categorize their content using topics such as "international," "national," "sports," etc.


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