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Yenoo Belgique migrated to Drupal

Hello fellow Drupal community,

The new version of Yenoo Belgique, a website dedicated to Moroccan community in Belgium and around the world, is almost complete and launched with new design and more features. The website was based on Xoops and migrated to Drupal 6.

Your feedback is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

All Drupal Based.. No Drupal Credit?

while reading email I was referred to this URL concerning a political candidate..
Upon arrival instinctively felt the platform familiar and upon further inspection found
all sites they were milling at hefty prices per year were Drupal - but saw no credit.

What a shame... There should be a list of these unethical morons who only see
green at the expense of openSRC labor. - Redesign using drupal 6

Just went live with a ground up rebuild of my schools website. Switched over from a hand build Dreamweaver / Microsoft .asp cms to Drupal. Drupal allows our students to create accounts and register for classes, while allowing our staff to log in with Active Directory authentication and edit the site. The site is very simple using the XEN themes and cti_flex with the colorpicker module to match the school colors.

eMedia Vitals launches Drupal-based social media aggregation offering

Contact: Kat Heisler    
eMedia Vitals                   
Phone: 917-675-5907         

eMedia Vitals launches Drupal-based ConvoStrata
New service aggregates social media conversations on future of media and journalism
October 13, 2010 –eMedia Vitals ( HYPERLINK "", the essential online publication for digital media professionals, takes a new approach to covering the future of the media industry by overlaying social media conversations on its original and aggregated content.  
eMedia Vitals unveiled a new homepage that feels more like Facebook and less like a content site. The goal of the project is to advance the conversation about the future of journalism and media.
"Some people will look at our homepage and say that this is when social media 'jumped the shark,' but we think that social media (along with mobile) will be a fundamental business driver for media in this decade as search was for the last," said Prescott Shibles, eMedia Vitals' CEO.

FivePaths: Internet Strategies for US and Latin America

fivepathsFivePaths provides strategic technology and web services to a diversity of organizations including associations, publishers, businesses, libraries, nonprofits, universities, foundations, and government. “Our strategy is to understand your strategy, which keeps our technology solutions on target with your needs.”

Their approach incorporates clients’ goals, and helps them define a sustainable strategy for success. FivePaths provides expert website design and development for both small and large sites, helping clients to manage web content more efficiently while they increase their online resources and community. As a proven expert in software evaluation and data integration, FivePaths know what tools work, and in what combinations.


FivePaths needed to create a website to inform their current and prospective clients about services they offer, as well as information about valuable technology tools, trends and resources available to them to help improve their work. FivePaths also needed their site to demonstrate some of the common technologies they implement for their clients.

WinBeta.Org redesign using Drupal 6

About WinBeta

WinBeta began around 1998 as a tech community that focused on Windows betas, Windows news, and Windows reviews. Over time, we branched out and began talking about various other tech related news. WinBeta has broken numerous stories related to Microsoft and its Windows operating system. To this day, we provide up to date tech news and reviews.


Several years back, we began using VirtuaNews to power our front-end and Invision Power Board to power our forums. Unfortunately, Virtuanews was rarely updated and provided very little flexibility and extensibility. Our website had issues to say the least.

Enter Drupal

We began experimenting with the concept of using Drupal as our CMS. We were very impressed with the ability to extend the CMS using modules and themes. Over time, we constructed a theme that reflected our vision as to what our website was to broadcast. Using several modules, we were able to put our vision into code.

Module Highlights

Here is a list of a few modules that make up the entire website.
Advanced Forum - This module powers our forums
Advanced Poll - This module allows us to have a better poll on our website. It simply looks better and works better.


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