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Top 10 Best Drupal Social Networking sites

What are the best Drupal Social Networking sites with traffic over 500k visitors per month?



Case Study: WePlaygroup – Find. Meet. Play!

WePlaygroup was designed to be a social networking site for parents, with a focus on finding and creating playgroups. A playgroup is simply a gathering of similarly aged children, with one or more accompanying parents, that meet in social settings, which helps build interpersonal skills for the children. The site revolves around a user’s ZIP code, and provide location based information with regards to "near-by" content. I wanted parents to easily locate local playgroups, activity centers and kid-friendly restaurants.

To help maintain a member’s interest, I wanted to offer a host of other ancillary services: playgroup activities, parenting tips, articles and news feeds, family coupons and a general classifieds section - all of which can be contributed from and rated by other members. My goal was to provide as many opportunities as possible for the community to interact with each other, and the relevant content.

I also wanted to establish a sense of connectedness between content types. No matter where the user might end up, they would always have a chance to find some other resource that might be of interest (near-by restaurants to the playgroup they are considering joining; recent parenting tips on the playgroup activity page they’re replying to, etc.). - Sound equipment hire and installations

I've put together a website for a client's sound equipment hire and installations business.

Modules used:

- Standard contrib modules - CCK, Views, Token, Pathauto, etc
- Filefield and Imagefield for galleries
- Webform for custom contact form
- 3D Views Carousel for frontpage feature
- @font-your-face - for non-standard fonts
- SEO modules - XML Sitemap, Site Verification, Google Analytics

Newspaper site: North Bay Christian News

Today our development shop, Nu-Designs, launched a new site for a local Northern California newspaper with a Christian perspective:

We are proud of the design, architecture and implementation and we would love to hear feedback from the Drupal community.

We used the following modules to build this site:

Ad (
Ad actions (
Ad channel (
Ad click filter (
Ad embed (
Ad file cache (
Ad Owners (
Ad report (
Ad Weight Probability (
AddThis (

My new portfolio

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my new portfolio is online... do you like it?


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