This is my indie game website. Provides a place for developers to upload their games for players to play and rate. Link below please tell me what you think.
Webform - for CONTACT page, the default core contact form is just used as Feedback for site.
Nodeblock - This is my first time I use this module and I love it!
CCK - I create custom content types for all the Services page
Composite Layout - WOW I LOVE THIS TOO!, this is how I divided all my services page in 2 column, Table data in the left and information on the right
whizzywig - Cool and simple to setup WHAT YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET EDITOR
Client Require a simple website and fast to load and don't want the site to look as BLOG or PERSONAL site - This is the challenge , yes you can see if I made it!, please leave a comment I don't bite.
THEME - I made the theme, yes from scratch, they said it is much faster and time saver if you use a base theme and create a sub theme from them, but I found myself working more and consuming more time if that's the step I followed, maybe because I am still new to DRUPAL.
Bioclipse, the open source life sciences workbench (based on the Eclipse RCP platform), got a new Drupal powered home on the web a few months ago and today it got a shiny new look, designed by Per Andersen.
It's the world's deadliest conflict since World War II. Over 5 million dead. One million displaced. An epidemic of rape. A seemingly hopeless situation.
Fortunately, our friends at the Enough Project have not given up on peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Earlier this month, with help from Forum One, they launched an entirely refreshed The site is a hub for activists who wish to change government and corporate policies that contribute to the conflict.
In particular, Enough has been working tirelessly to bring attention to the problem of "conflict minerals." Congo is rich in tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold, which are used in laptops, cell phones, and other electronics. Control of these valuable resources is central to the disputes. Profits from mineral sales are a principal source of revenue for the country's armed militias.