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new website

Hello everybody!

I’m posting here about my website.
It’s about carpintery.
The website is not in english, so it will be a little bit hard to navigate. Still, it would be great if you will visit it and tell me what do you think about it.
Thanks a new site powered by Drupal


Just wanted to invite others to check out, a new site done in Drupal, using the Zen theme. The site focuses on bringing fresh content in local areas in Vancouver. The content is in Spanish and English. Lots of CSS work done and some manual template editing.

1st official Newbie webiste


This is my 1st production website. I have tried to make a couple of other ones which ended just being testing websites for Drupal modules. When I started actually propoerly trying to build a functional webiste I absoultely nothing. My intentions back then was to make a business website and seeing as I couldnt afford to pay for a web developer I searched and have learned everything myself, a simlar story to alot of others i presume.

Now I feel comfortable with Drupal and the basic bigger supported modules and love the fact that I can pretty much set up a moderate website by myself. I did look into wordpress and Jamoola, but have found drupal the easiest to use as a total begininer and now that I am hopefully a junior developor (just guessing)I still find Drupal the most advanced and I know that there is a way to make Drupal do the things you want, I just need to research and find out how in some cases. I like that I can use Drupal to make any site I want however different the requirements may be.

Anyway sorry here's my website that I made to try out affiliate marketing, let me know what you think and if you think it is ok? or whether I still have a lot to learn. Go easy on me - dont forget i knew nothing whatsoever when i started so many an hour has been taken with "trial and Error!!!" Simple minimal modules Drupal website

Hi guys love drupal out of box just started, just straight way deupal website, newly launched, i am drupal newbie, i don't expect it to be a big website but small and simple out of box drupal also exist, may be reviewed in that category

Thanks in advance for reading this post, and also if you happen to visit - Dogs for Smart People Front is a community and information site centered around the American Pit Bull Terrier, usually referred to as Pit Bulls.

Pit Bulls get a lot of coverage in the media, usually negative, because there is rampant fear of the breed. They are also often the target of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). aims to share another perspective, those of passionate Pit Bull owners. The main mission of the site is to convey that Pit Bulls make great family pets, to get the word out that a dog is only a reflection how it is treated and raised, and to provide a central hub where owners can connect and share their pictures and stories.

The site was conceived and developed by PropDrop Web Development and Marketing. PropDrop not only does client work, but also performs web niche analysis and develops in-house web properties based on that research in order to gain market share in a wide variety of areas. is one of these properties. It also doesn't hurt that we are dog lovers and own a Pit Bull/Lab mix named Bauer, so we are our own audience in some sense.

PropDrop uses Drupal exclusively for its in-house projects, because we can create a community and information site with some advanced features in under 2 weeks, with everything optimized for search with little effort. It also gives us the opportunity to expand a site's feature set in the future without interfering with current functionality, taking a site in directions that might not be possible with other content management systems.


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