Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Sunny Day Web Design site

Sunny Day Web Design is an almost finished Drupal site I have built for myself to showcase my new Drupal skills and maybe generate some clients who love Drupal as much as I do!

Please go easy on me! The site still has a few revisions left :)

my drupal web

thank you Drupal !!!! with drupal 6.16 & all upgrded modules :)

i love drupal !!!!

WorldCup 2010

Our first project in Drupal:

I hope you like it.

Thoughts on my beta release of my statistical analysis module

I was curious to know if a few of you would be interested in taking a look at my module. I currently have it working in a environment and it has provided us with a great amount of detail. I am curious to know if someone else would see the benefit and potentially report any issues. I have not submitted the module to Drupal yet, but thought I would release it in its current state in hopes that some people may find it useful.

You can download the module at:

Current features and support:

== Logged-in user ==

Current week statistics
->Blogs posted
->Comments posted
->Statuses posted
->Votes given
->Vote average

Posting statistics
->Total blogs posted
->Total comments posted
->Total statuses posted
->Average blog length
->Average comment length
->Average percentages for each day, month and year
->Top terms used in posts and their count
->Top terms used on posts you commented on and their count

Voting statistics
->Total votes casted
->Total average based on votes
->Top voted blogs authored by the user
->Top terms used in posts you voted on

== Administrator ==
->All mentioned features above for the entire site
->Top contributors for blogging, commenting and voting
->Configurable settings for how many terms, contributors, etc . to show

Yes, Drupal 7 is ready for production sites

OK, I admit it, it isn't really, yet. However, yesterday I decided to be bold and relaunch my personal website on Drupal 7. Less than 24 hours later it is now up and running.

Not only is it running on Drupal 7 alpha 5, I am also using three contributed modules and everything seems to work fine.

Wondering why I decided to do this? The answer is at


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