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Photography Portfolio Using Galleria/Views: Forbes Conrad | Guangzhou, China Photographer is my own online photography portfolio.I’m an editorial photographer based in Guangzhou, China.

I've found it rather hard to come up with a way of displaying images that is attractive, fast, navigable and visible to search engines. Most prepackaged flash galleries are horrendously slow to load and have search issues, while most html-based solutions have poor navigation or inefficient image loading.

I think I've managed to scrape together an attractive, simple solution using Drupal and a handful of contrib modules.

The gallery pages use the Galleria viewer with Imagefield and Imagecache modules. It's very easy to add, remove and sort photos, which I love. The built-in caption and alt-text handling is cool too.

The home page sports a simple Views Rotator setup. Restaurant Menus - Built with Taxonomy, Combined Views, and CCK.

I recently upgraded to Drupal 6 and wanted to show off my work.

The site uses taxonomy for Neighborhoods, Cuisines, and Features. And when you drill into those you get multiple views are presented on one page. So after choosing French Quarter you see the Map at the top, followed by restaurants with 4 or 5 star ratings, then teasers for all of the restaurants in that taxonomy.

New Estate Agents in Carlisle - Rowan Properties

Carlisle and surrounding regions have some fantastic properties and so we (Rowan Properties) decided to have a go at running an estate agency. We're located on Lowther street which is five minutes walk from Carlisle city centre.

One of our priorities was to have a modern and sophisticated website built. After searching we discovered and decided to have them build our site. Strangely enough we discovered that they had recently built a system specifically for estate agents using Drupal. Our site is now up and running and although there are still some minor revisions to make, we are very pleased with the end result. The site also has a complete backend where we manage all our properties, contacts and everything that goes with those such as letters, events, viewings, sales, comments and more that I cannot think of right now. What's really great about the system is that a property page also creates our brochures and window displays though we must firefox to get the correct print preview. - Set your watch to way back when!

Only local images are allowed.

Retrobabble is a new community website for retro-fans worldwide. Covering retro games, tv, cartoons, toys, gadgets, music, film and sport, this website is a celebration of all the things that bring back memories and give you the warm and fuzzies.

Retrobabble is my first Drupal website (so go easy) and started out as a sandbox to teach myself Drupal for other client projects. The site was built using the excellent 'Ultimate Community Site Guide' ebook by Dorien Herremans (see the Drupal Fun website for details) and I strongly recommend this to Drupal beginners.

Drupal July 4, 1776


We the People

of the United States of Drupal, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of Drupal.

That mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to inform themselves thereof their original rights granted under the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, being the First Ten Amendments to said Constitution respectively.

Whereas many of our subjects in diverse parts of our colonies are misled by monied interests attempting to market inferior CMS platforms, our resolve and reason has led us to choose Open Source CMS in our zeal to bring this message to the American People.


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