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We know, you do it! URBAN5.COM

Urban5 is a continuously updated online magazine and web platform where you can discuss anything about life and human nature.

Launched yesterday, singer's Drupal site

We just launched the latest of our Drupal based web sites for famous Puertorican singer Ednita Nazario yesterday.

The site allows for a tighter interaction with Ednita fans via her web site.

This was a two ppl effort.

Frank Nazario - Graphics, content, site architecture logic.
Rafael Santoni - Web development, Drupal customization, site architecture logic and general consulting.

Themed with a customized version of the Acquia Slate theme. - Bloopers and Outtakes from showbiz


I'm starting to get kinda pleased with my site now so I thought I would share it with you guys:

It's basicly a blog where I will gather all the gag-reels, bloopers and outtakes from different movies and tv-shows. I'm still having some trouble with googleads to get it to show the right ads for my site. But other then that it's pretty much finished. Altough I'm going to add alot more content ofcourse.

Florida DrupalCamp 2010 Case Study

Two Days, 176 attendees, Two Grateful Organizations with New Sites

Florida DrupalCamp 2010 held just outside of Orlando was the largest Drupal-related gathering the Sunshine state has ever seen. The February 20-21 event pulled in more than 175 attendees from Florida and the US, more than $5,000 in sponsorships, and generated a lot of interest in regional community building throughout Florida. Anecdotal input and a formal survey indicate the weekend was an unqualified success. In the spirit of open-source, this case study provides other DrupalCamp organizers insight into planning and organizing a worthwhile DrupalCamp, from early planning through follow-up participant surveys.


Florida DrupalCamp logoFDC10 was the culmination of a strong effort by the Florida Drupal User's Group, local companies, and generous sponsors. It was unique in many ways, including the number and diversity of the participants as well as how the event was organized. The weekend was less of a "barcamp" style event and more of a mini-DrupalCon, with almost all sessions pre-determined, and several generous sponsorships covering plenty of food and swag for all attendees who paid a minimal registration fee of $5.

The weekend featured a full day of sessions divided into three tracks based on experience level, including one dedicated to beginners to introduce users to the Drupal platform and sow the seeds for growing the community. The second day was Coding for A Cause, a coding sprint among 40 volunteer developers of all skill levels that built operational sites for two deserving, PR-savvy, Florida not-for profit organizations.

Ohm Studio : drupal make noise

Go check !

A communication website only at the moment, based on drupal 6.
In the trailer you can see another website used by our upcoming product, The Ohm Studio !

This website is also based on drupal 6 ;-) - A Portal About Portals

The Wingflap Development Network


The Wingflap Development Network ( is a portal about portals. It is a development community portal whose goal is to introduce Drupal to the users of the now-defunct Skyportal. Skyportal was an ASP portal that was an offshoot of MaxWebPortal (c.2000). Skyportal shutdown earlier this year and left a large community without a site, support, or new development.

As an admin and active participant of the site, I decided to create a place for these people to discuss their future plans for their portals. There's some discussion about Skyportal support issues. There's also discussion about why people chose their new platform (mostly Drupal).

But mostly, it's a site that's in construction looking for community feedback about functionality and technology to achieve that functionality as an effort to help converts transition to Drupal.

The Site


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