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Watch me build an mp3 sharing site

I had hand registered this name, a year or so, and sat on it for a while, originally intending to let it age for a few years.

Then I had this idea a few weeks ago: build an mp3 sharing site using Drupal as the content management system. So I threw together a mashup of contributed modules, probably about 70 (<--this number updated daily) of them, and attempted to but together a nice site. Ideally, a site that people will want to visit every day.

I started developing it on my local server, and it quickly began to take its shape within a few hours.

So far, as of April 2nd 2010, today, progress in the development of this site has stumbled a little bit, because I am one person after all. The basic framing and functionality of the site is complete, however. Basic user functions such as viewing, uploading, tagging content, downloading content, establishing relationships are in place. The layout is decent, serviceable for now, and the process of registering new accounts or uploading mp3's is painless.

So why am I saying all of this?

1. I'm pretty baked.
2. I never finish projects in a reasonable timeframe due to poor time management. (See number 1.)
3. The software is secure enough to allow user activity (As in... strange people like you).
4. is way cooler than or localhost

New Christian family blog - Zen theme

I just publicly launched a new Christian family blog at

This is my first attempt using the Zen theme. I actually installed it once a few days ago, messed with it a bit, hated it, and then spent a lot of time investigating various themes and starter themes. Finally, I found a Drupal theme I really liked and spent some time tweaking it a bit, but there were a few things that irked me about it.

Finally, I installed the Zen theme again and this time, I'm loving it. I used Firebug in Firefox to help with the theming and it took me maybe 8-10 hours (yeah, I'm slow and haven't done any theming in a while) to get the theme to a reasonably "done" state after I finally decided on using Zen.

I think the main difference between the Zen theme and the contrib theme I used is that Zen is rock solid on basic functionality and multi-platform support. The contrib theme was still working out some bugs in those areas. Basically, Zen left me with a solid platform to pretty up and make my own, whereas with the contrib theme, I was either on my own with the mess we call browser compatibility, or waiting for upgrades that would likely mess up my other "improvements" if and when they come out.

Here are my (non-core) modules. This should be a reasonable list of starter modules for just about any blog site:

Drupal Solo Project

Hello All,

I have just 'temporarily' launched my first Drupal solo project; well only the second Drupal site I have worked on actually - this is - and I am going to leave it only for a couple of days for the client to have a gig at in order to make a decision on how to move forward and what further content is to be developed.

First Drupal Theme by us and for us - sonline MEDIA

We just launched this site today for all to view. I would much appreciate any comments on the layout and design. Be nice, this was my first Drupal Theme I have created. Plus from now on this is what we will be doing and creating custom designs for all drupal sites we launch.

Drupal is AWESOME and I wanted to take their power and start putting it under the hood of my own designs. sonline MEDIA design we wanted to be clean, professional, and easy to read.

Feeback appreciated!

TLC Tray - D6 Ubercart uniqe gift site

TLC Tray - TLC Tray - Like a gift basket but, on a tray with a Bearington Teddy bear, cup, bowl, tea, instant soup, non-allergenic flowers, vase, personalized greeting card & game book.


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