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Project site -

Well. I've heard a lot about Drupal over the past year or so; I finally decided to see what exactly it is and does!

I started a promotions company and my friend made the site at first. It was pretty rough when he made it. 1 page, couple images some contact info etc.

A couple days ago we got a new venue and we started up the company again. I decided to use Drupal.
I was amazed at how simple the initial install was. Even after I deleted a few folders by accident when I was on the ftp client through Cpanel; I was able to uninstall and reinstall in just a few minutes.

You can take a look at the site as is. Its def a work in progress; which is kind of why I'm making this. I'm gonna keep posting updates on things I have added to the site every week. So people like me who are just starting out can take a look and see how the basics are done. I just found a tutorial on setting up panels and a few other modules; so I'll repost once I get it all setup.

It is a production site, but it will be constant evolving over the next couple weeks or so.

Like I said, its very* basic right now.
simple_menu is the only module I have installed right now.


Creating an embedded video channel with Drupal

The short story: I created a video channel in Drupal tightly embedded in and integrated with a homemade CMS. In other words I used a complete Drupal installation to create a subsite on another web site. I used different techniques to integrate the two systems. The development and implementation was quick and effortless and might serve as an inspiration and help to others who want to do something similar – or simply want to create a video channel in Drupal.

Home decor site

Do you like my website ?
Velvet cushion

Modules used:
Save & Edit, CCK, Image, ImageCache, Nodewords , Custom Breadcrumbs, Global Redirect, Lightbox2, Node Form Settings, Pathauto, Similar entries, AntiSpam, Tagadelic, etc.

Custom mini modules:
Add new comment customizations = Add rel="nofolow" to 'Add new comment'
Read more customizations = Add rel="nofolow" to 'Read more' and change it to 'Read full article'

Lawyers in Israel - גאון יהב ושות' - עורכי דין

Website for lawyers in Israel גאון יהב ושות' - עורכי דין, Hebrew website.

המשרד מתמקד בתחומי המשפט המסחרי ודיני התאגידים ובדגש על לווי פעילות עסקית בינלאומית
– Cross Border- של לקוחות זרים הפועלים
בישראל ושל חברות ישראליות הפועלות בחו"ל

RC Blog built on Drupal and Blogbuzz Theme

Just launched my new blog at

The blog is built on Drupal 6 and features the Blogbuzz theme. The theme is mostly untouched with a few minor tweaks.

I used views slider module for the hero slider, not the functionality that Blogbuzz offers (which I couldn't figure out).

Check it out and let me know what you think. The blog is all about Team Associated SC10. The SC10 is a remote control truck that is gaining a lot of popularity in the world of RC.

TEDxMunich | a local event in Munich, Germany

Morningtime developed a social community platform based on Drupal CMS. Our local TEDxMunich event is held on June 7th at the BMW Museum in Munich, Germany. The website's purpose is solely to facilitate an "online user bonding" between likeminded people, and to watch the LiveStream on June 7th. The livestream is a service of and we make use of Twitter, Facebook, Gigya Socialize, Flickr and AddThis to connect with our users (see links below).


Morningtime Digital Agency donated the Drupal website development. REM-ART donated the website design.

About TEDxMunich

TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxMunich. At our TEDxMunich event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.

The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

About TED


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