Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Our first Drupal website which went Live. Your comments are appreciated.


We launched our Drupal website for Artists. Please let us know your comments keeping in view the website for an artist.

Please let us know your thoughts.


Drupal website, any tips for improvements?

Ive created a drupal site and its still not fully there but im un sure of which modules are what im looking for.

If you could take a look at my site and maybe give me some tips, or links to userful information I'd appreciate it very much.

Thanks in advance

Quality International - Drupal Website, with Timesheet Management Backend

We have just finished off a brochure website for Quality International UK using Drupal 6. Much of the content is based and built with power and flexibility of CCK, Views and Panels.

The client wants the website to become a portal for their site over time, to kick off we have integrated RSS feeds on the front page based around the automotive industry using the Feeds module. - The KL City Magazine.

Just want to share our work on this website - Guide, Directory and Lifestyle Magazine about Malaysia Kuala Lumpur.

Feel free to give comment about our work.

Our first Drupal as CMS catalog with Flash Front End - AMFPHP style

1. The project started here:
2. Then we did a complete re-write to make it more modular
3. This is where we are now:

Chat Update in Catalog -- get the AIR version here -- (145Kb)

The performance is significantly better and the code more stable.

We are considering using Soma as a Display Framework --

Will keep you updated.

This was a long hard learning curve. -- back end -- front end

We wrote the whole front-end in pure AS3 and connect to Drupal 6.15 through the new AMFPHP 1.9 server.

Looking at the performance, it was well worth the effort.

Drupal can change everything you see on the screen, the Backgrounds, the Product info and images, the Logo associated with the product. Taxonomy is used to create the category menus too.

The whole site is maintained by Drupal.

The application is designed to run in browser full screen mode. (see trouble with fixed size discussion below) : Drupal based webshop using Ubercart, Acquia Prosper theme, and some more ..

I created a webshop selling flashcards, mainly in Europe:

Acquia Prosper, a very developer friendly theme supporting the Skinr module

I used following modules (besides the core ones):

Panels, Chaos Tools, Views, CCK: These modules are so good. I consider them core


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