Hello Everyone!
I'm a Vancouver, BC based courtesan and some time ago I decided my current site looked great but needed to be easier to update and manage. After some research into a number of options I decided to go with Drupal because it was free (yay!), had a huge number of modules available that would really benefit my site and because the community appeared to be really helpful, assuming you wanted to help yourself.
You can view the current product at http://www.ClassyAngel.com - Before going you should make sure you have an open mind as I'm showcasing suggestive lingerie shots, of course you should also be 18 to visit.
So, what is running the site?
Drupal 6.x - The most recent stable release
Common modules that don't really need explaining,
Admin Menu
Google Analytics
XML Sitemap
CCK/Views - Used for a number of things including my Duo Partner pages (http://www.classyangel.com/duo-partners). The main page is a view of a custom content type, those then have CCK fields for height/weight/hair and of course the images which are then standardized by ImageCache.
ThemeKey - I have a number of different themes setup for different areas of the site, some have subtle changes and others are completely different.
Album Photos - Used for my galleries (http://www.classyangel.com/node/232/photos/view/flash)