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Sticky notes module for Drupal

Hi all,

I just started to write a simple module that will bring sticky notes to drupal.

It depends on the alpha version of Popups API and is in early development. This is my first module I would like to share with the community. But since I just started I would be glad to have some feedback concerning usability and functionality.

My idea behind this module was to allow developers, themers and clients to easily share small parts of information directly on a page. So for example, if a client visits a page where he spots something that needs work, he can attach a note directly on the position where the problem is visible. Or the project lead can leave a note for a developer in order to fix something that is broken. Each sticky note has a body text, a priority and can be attached either to all pages at once, only to the current page, or to all pages that match the current menu path, e.g. when attaching a note to node/12 it can be made visible either on all pages, only on node/12 or all node pages (node/%).

You can see a demo here: Feel free to register and play with the notes ;-)

As I said, I would be glad about feedback and suggestions.

best regards,

Designmess - A Detailed Case Study

Designmess is a online community aimed at web designers and developers. Designmess provides high quality articles and tutorials on a multitude of topics in the fields of web design and development, graphic design, advertising, and branding. We also provide a online hangout of sorts for our users. We encourage user submitted content to power our site and provide us a steady stream of content.

Designmess started as a personal project of mine to try and build a great community on Drupal. I started building the site in early December with the idea to launch in the beginning of January. And so, Designmess was built in roughly a month. One of my personal philosophies is to never think that my site is good enough. I believe there is always room for improvement. With this in mind, I will continuously update Designmess with new features and the latest modules that I think fit.

I urge you to check out the current site at
and follow us on twitter here:

The Goal

Archdiocese of Saint Louis Migrates to Drupal

In early 2009, the Archdiocese of Saint Louis determined that it needed to upgrade its website, mostly for security concerns. After investigating a move from Joomla! 1.0.x to Joomla! 1.5.x, the Archdiocese determined it would be more cost effective and a more future-proof decision to migrate the over 49 individual Joomla! sites that comprised into a single Drupal installation.

This upgrade/migration provides many benefits, not the least of which are a better end-user experience, a better administrative experience, and much improved page load and search indexing performance. In addition, Drupal's structure and content presentation provide much greater flexibility in design and information structure, as well as SEO (search engine optimization) than other popular CMS frameworks that were investigated.

Theme for

I have created for a recent high school. I have only been working on it for about a week now and I am having a rough time deciding which theme I should use. It is for a media/newpaper purpose. I am taking any suggestions for a theme. Right now I am using the ZeroPoint theme. I would like a theme that is a little more complex and that stands out more than the theme that I'm currently using.

Theme that would be perfect

New Outdoor Social News Site - Feedback - Suggestions - Questions

Hello all :)

I recently launched a new site based on drigg - It's an outdoor social news site. I'm interested in hearing any feedback that you have to offer or questions you might have if you are developing a similar site in drigg. If you notice any issues with browsers please let me know as well.

It is still in its infancy of course so I'm really looking for some good honest feedback.

Thanks all,


Ultimate School Rugby is a new site that provides articles about rugby, primarily at school and university level.

The site is set up in a news format, filtered by taxonomy terms for different types of articles.

The Base Theme is Acquia Prosper, using the Fusion core theme grid system & SkinR.

These combinations have made it much easier for me as newbie to web design to get a good site design together with less pain.


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