Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Hello, I have created an Mountainbike site for my mountainbike club, what needs improvement? What do you think? Still trying to figure out video.

Redesign of

I recently redesigned my website: Visual Notion

I'm working on adding more features and modules, but the key modules used so far are:

Vital Signs – An educational citizen science project

Vital Signs 2.0 (VS) is an educational citizen science project consisting of an extensive Drupal website created by Image Works in Portland, Maine for the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) and funded by the Hewlett Foundation and a generous in-kind donation of services by Image Works.

The VS project provides students, teachers, scientists, and citizen scientists with the tools to monitor environmental conditions throughout Maine. The project includes a structured central data repository, tools and protocols for identifying, mapping, tracking and analyzing the occurrence and spread of invasive species into and around the state. Beginning in fall 2009, these resources and supporting programs are being utilized on the laptop computers provided to all Maine middle school students and will be made available to all interested parties starting early 2010.

The project's site is composed of 13 original custom Drupal modules, approximately 2 dozen Drupal core modules, more than 40 contributed modules, Google Maps and other web services. In order to give back to the community that made this project possible, we are releasing the full source code for the website under the GPL license and adding it to the project repository.

Personal Website

Hi my Personal Website!


Just launched my portfolio site

The site uses several modules including CCK, Views 2 and Galleria.

Your feedback will be warmly received!

Steve now on Drupal

On a whim I started playing around with Drupal a little on the side just to see what it could do as a CMS. After about three days of playing I replaced my personal website with a Drupal driven website. It is a very basic install, but that says a lot about Drupal overall how "out of the box" you can be up and running in almost no time. It took a little less than two days of messing around to get the site design the way that you see it.


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