Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

GenAnswers - Genealogy Question and Answer Hobby Site

This is just a beta genealogy hobby site, and I am neither a themer or a coder, so go easy on me. This is a modification of the Acquia Prosper theme. I would like your feedback. If the site catches on in the genealogy community, I would like to invest more time in improving the functionality and theming.

If you have an interest in genealogy, or would like to provide feedback on the registered user experience, you are welcome to register.

I want to thank the Drupal community that has helped me from absolute zero to be able to launch a modest web site on Drupal.

TeamQuest Technology Inc.

I just want to show our newly migrated to Drupal CMS company website -
I am new to Drupal and developing this site and migrate it to Drupal from other CMS alone was a challenge, after a week, here it is and already running in the backend of Drupal. Making it look not a Blog Centric website adds another challenge.

Creating it's theme - I borrowed some code from Framework - Framework base theme was a very good starter theme and I enjoy too much using it.

Thanks a lot.

Introducing Union, our Free Drupal Theme [Only a few days left to get it!]

For a limited time only, we will be giving out free copies of our Drupal theme, Union ( Demo: ), which was designed exclusively for our readers. All you need to do is follow us on Twitter ( ), and we'll send you the download link.

For Drupal 6.x

Heart of West Michigan Volunteer Center

The new website for the Heart of West Michigan United Way Volunteer Center was announced this week. This site may be of particular interest to other volunteer centers around the country, particularly those that are saddled with proprietary data management software.

This site was using Truist Volunteer Solutions software as its main data management and content display platform. My project involved creating a Drupal site and integrating the Truist database system in an attempt to create a seamless user experience.

It would certainly have been possible to build a new matching system (volunteer opportunities with volunteers) from scratch in Drupal. However, time and money are limited in volunteer centers that are running as nonprofit organizations, and this solution was rather quick and low cost (my work on this was volunteer work).

What we finally produced is a Drupal site that clicks over to the Volunteer Solutions side, themed to look like the Drupal site. Volunteer Centers around the country that are using Volunteer Solutions should consider adopting a similar solution if they are not equipped to start over from scratch. was made as a port of call for people interested in traveling around Greece. Informarion regarding the following categories is available on the site:
Nightlife in Greece
Shopping in Greece
Sightseeing in Greece
Transportation in Greece
Accommodation in Greece

The theme used is: CristalX4Drupal
The modules used were: cck, views, aggregator, tagadelic, location, gmap and blog

Julian Opie's new website - is a new site for the artist Julian Opie using Drupal 6. The site uses Flash throughout, incorporating complex animations. It showcases thousands of artworks and exhibitions.

The site was built with a Flash front end, using Services and AMFPHP to interact with the Drupal backend. SWFObject displays the flash, SWFAddress ensures that each page has a unique URL. The Flash front end incorporates a large amount of stop-frame animation and AS3 code to tie it all together. After Effects was used to prepare the animations for flash.


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