Still on Drupal 7? Security support for Drupal 7 ended on 5 January 2025. Please visit our Drupal 7 End of Life resources page to review all of your options.
From the earliest days of the Internet, many firms have tried to build community sites for medical professionals. Large sums of money were expended on technologies, and expectations around these feature-rich sites became very high.
So when a longstanding client, Jobson Healthcare Information (JHI) in New York, wanted to build a community website for America’s 200,000 pharmacists, we at ISL Consulting took it on as a welcome challenge. Given JHI's strong position in the market – they publish the most popular professional magazine for US pharmacists – we knew there would be no shortage of domain expertise or marketing prowess. The question was whether Drupal would permit us to build an affordable yet world-class website with everything from e-commerce to personalized pages, an elaborate friend activity notification system and other community features medical professionals have come to expect from professional sites.
Workflow modules provide a very good framework for business process. Based on them we wrote several custom modules for process automation, which makes crowd web testing simpler and easier than ever before.
Recently my friend Jo Maleki was diagnosed with cancer. She is not long for this world unless she raises enough money to get her to an Issels treatment centre. I had to knock up a something in a hurry as the BBC were going to cover her so she needed a website that was robust and easy to manage. As it turns out it took the BBC a long time to actually cover the story but when they did we and drupal were ready!
This idea had been bouncing around in my head for quite some time. To create a platform for parallel governments online but NOT for a fictitious world but for the real world. So that YOU could be the igov Senator from New York, or President, or "replace" an oppressive dictator and advocate and speak for the people.
Drupal 6.x was my weapon of choice because you can go from simple to complex and pretty much meet and short to near-term functionality and performance demands with existing modules.