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Top 3-5 examples of Drupal Blogs and Forums

We are committed to Drupal as the CMS for our site, but are considering whether or not to broaden the scope to include Drupal's Forums and Blog capabilities. In particular, we're trying to determine if the overhead of running WordPress in parallel comes with enough benefits (we are very familiar with WordPress' capabilities).

What is most valuable right now is to see 3-5 examples of Drupal being used for Forums (and, of course, one of those is the Drupal Forums I'm authoring this on), and 3-5 examples of Drupal being used for a blog. - Dedicated to Diesel-Motorcycles

My site about dieselmotorcylces is running with drupal for some time now. It never will be completely finished. But it's working for now.

The site is individually themed and bilingual. It's combined with a FUDforum and a Mediawiki. Just visual, I'm not sharing the same login until now.

I use the following modules: adsense, captcha, i18n, image, lightbox2 and logintoboggan.

comments welcome.

Affaires Theme.

Here is a look at how I made the Affaires Theme work.

Case Study: Augusta Chronicle

The Augusta Chronicle, the flagship newspaper of Morris Publishing Group, recently relaunched its website on the outstanding Drupal framework.

Morris first began using Drupal in 2005 with the launch of, a blog-centric community website coupled with a free daily newspaper. In 2006 it adopted Drupal for both news and blogs at, the website of the Savannah Morning News. Both newspapers won Digital Edge awards for innovation in user participation.

Since then, the digital media arm of Morris Communications, Morris DigitalWorks, has developed a robust digital newspaper platform built on Drupal 6, to eventually power all 13 of its daily newspapers. Morris also uses Drupal for its radio stations and, a national specialty site for women.

Reader Participation

Morris has made a commitment to make their online platform a dynamic arena for reader participation and contributions. Readers are encouraged to comment on stories and blogs, and, on some papers, are encouraged to create their own blogs on the site. Journalists are expected to post news online immediately and to interact with the public, and they need to be able to do it without learning HTML or tools such as FTP. These requirements made Drupal a natural choice.

Who Say's Drupal can't be Beautiful? Introducing the Unite Drupal theme from!

I decided to have my developers step it up a few notches and develop our most beautiful Drupal theme to date for:

The theme can be previewed here and will be up for sale by later this afternoon:

Camera Gear Review site with CCK/Views Emphasis was created with two goals.

As a Drupal consultant I have experience creating and maintaining contributed modules. But was built as an exercise to see how much functionality could be easily accomplished using CCK and Views. Eventually I broke down and made a minor change to the Acquia provided theme. I did resist the temptation to create custom module code.


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